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I Forge Iron

Frontier Damascus fun


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So my teenage daughter asked me to make her a samurai sword... Gotta love the young people.   

Since there are no swords in my future, and she doesn't even have to slightest clue what to do with a katana, I decided to just make her a katana shaped something.  While I was waiting for my steel order to come in from Kelly Cupples, I just decided to have some fun and weld up whatever I could find lying around.  I wasn't actually planning to make this when I started... I just wanted to get some more practice in with my forge welding, but everything was welding up good, so I just kept going until I decided to give it some shape.  Figured I'd do my best to give it a katana "look" and then my daughter can hang it on her wall and tell her friends how cool her dad is.

Blade length is 9".  Steel is a mix of old leaf springs, an old file, part of a lawn mower blade, and whatever else I happened to lay my hands on.  Came out at 132 layers, and then did it san mai  style, drawing it out and wrapping it around a 5160 core.   It will never see any use, but figured I'd practice that too. 

I haven't really been to worried about the fit and finish on this one, but its still coming out kind of cool, especially for a teenager's decoration.12540939_934761316604093_92107461950257312552814_934761296604095_12316599941692712540754_934761273270764_35031811306377512507520_934761249937433_347291733814654

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