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I Forge Iron

Help with finish


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Hey guys i had another post a while back where this subject was touched on. However no one really got into the details. what i want to do is finish a project so its has that semi shiny black "forged" look to it. so "blacksmith goop" seems the way to go but i am curious as to what everyone's recipe is. I know it can contain beeswax, turpentine, linseed oil and maybe some japan drier but i haven't heard much as far as how much of each ingredient is used and how it is applied. Is it applied when the metal is hot? How hot? How "finished" does it need to be before the goop is applied example one piece of this project is a leaf i forged so being it was already heated its black so can i just heat it and apply like that or do i have to grind it down back to silver and shiny before heating and applying? What should i use to apply a rag? Steel brush? Brass brush? Thanks guys! any advice at all would really be helpful i have never applied any thing like this and i am trying to make another gift for someone important so i want it to come out good THANKS AGAIN ahead of time

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I'd slightly brace yourself for an oncoming wave people saying "use the search bar", everything you've asked has been discussed many times.

FWIW, equal measures of beeswax, turps and linseed but experiment to find a consistency you like. You can use anything to apply it, (old toothbrushes are useful at digging into crevices), a little goes a long way, then use a rag to wipe off the excess. Make it in shallow containers incase the turps sinks and the beeswax at the top stiffens. Don't put your dirty applicator into your goop container, instead scoop out a dollop you think you'll need to finish your item and take from there - putting a dirty applicator into your container will just cause the goop to clog up.

If you have a wander over to the Alchemy section you'll be falling over 1001 threads on this recipe, and variations thereof.

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ok thanks i did do a search in one part of the forum seacrch was for recipie for blacksmith goop .....didnt find all that much ill look again

Perhaps if you  looked at the alchemy section, were I will relocate this lost post to.....

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I have a tip that might help you  searching this or any site on the net. Don't just make up terms and expect to find what you're looking for. Just what did you expect to find searching "blacksmith goop?" Seriously I'll bet you got more hits on black boogers.

Try just reading here for a while, we're talking about finishing pieces all the time and you can easily determine a good or at least workable term from "context."

The jargon we use as blacksmiths is craft related, a specialized, specific language so we know what the other guy means, can reply in meaningful terms and understand answers. Without a language (jargon) a person is just spouting random words known as babbling.

I could just answer your question, I've done it probably hundreds of times but I'm getting really tired of answering things for people who won't even look first. There's an entire sections about it. Asking what to look for is a different thing entirely than asking for someone else to do it for you. And THAT my young friend is WHY nobody even touched on the details.

Heck, we'll even help you learn to do real research but don't expect us to just answer questions, especially if you haven't done enough reading to even know what to ask. None of this reply is to discourage you, we want folk, especially new folk to be successful but blacksmithing is not kind to people unwilling to do the work.

Frosty The Lucky.

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dps, I understand your need for a workable finish on your pieces. I also know that searching through the site for information is not always easy and some material, especially pics, has been lost forever.

I too struggled with how to get a quick easy and enduring finish for forged items. There are lots of 'recipes' but Frosty gave me good advice about stuff called Carnauba wax, marketed in various forms, notably Trewax. It's not available in Australia so I had to import mine. You could probably get it off your hardware store shelf in NY.

I brush the steel with a wire wheel to remove scale and then apply the Trewax while the work is hot. Not screaming hot, just hot enough that it's uncomfortable to handle. then polish off with a soft rag when cool. Works for me.

Good luck with your gift for 'someone important'.


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thanks frosty trust me you wont discourage me. i completely understand your point of view i dont like answering repete questions in daily life and someone like you and  a select few out there that even from my limited time i have been on this forum i can see some people (you being one) seem to be very active in the forum community and helping when you can i am sure even the questions you have answered hundreds of times they probily have been asked thousands of times over the years i get its probily tireing. I really hope you dont think i am not willing to put in the work if i was that type of person i wouldnt have this hobby i would just buy things. I did search for a while on this subject and didnt come up with many answers or no i didnt come up with many answers that seemed reliable and from a reliable source. but as you stated my first problem would be looking for "blacksmith goop" but much of the reading and videos i have seen that is what its been called even when the recipie is completly diffrent from one person to another. i will take your advice as to reading on the forum until i come up with another name to search for. again i really hope you dont think i just want some one to tell me step by step how to do everything that cannot be further from the truth. since i have picked up this hobby it has focused on knife making but i would also like to learn the bigger picture of what a blacksmith can do. and let me tell you with out the material (hours and hours) of reading i went through sugested by others on forums and the select few i was talking about i would be lost i think in 6 months i have come farther than i could have in years with out this info so i do appreciate what you and others do in helping people......if you know of any reliable sources (besides reading the forum wich i do anyway) any published stuff or anything like that i would appreciate the point in the right direction and ill go from there as i said your right gota find a better word than goop to describe this stuff 

ausfire....thanks carnuba would be great i am going to try that. not all but most car wax is carnuba (at least the good stuff) and i have a ton of it so that would be perfect. didnt even think about that tho...try it tomorow and see how it works out  thanks again for the help and your right searching through everything for hours is hard deffinite information overload forgetting where you read what and you start combing memories of completly diffrent sources its a pain sometimes

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