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I Forge Iron

New from Pa


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Hey Everyone. Just stopping by to introduce myself. So I've want to start blacksmithing since I was a kid. I've always thought of it as a forgotten art. But as I collect tools. Mostly from flea markets. I've come to learn it's definitely not been forgotten. I have a few pair of tongs. A 125lbs Peter wright anvil. Few hammers. I do have to put my forge together still. The problem I'm having is getting started. I went to an auction this past weekend and met a couple cool guys with a lot of info. Thanks Josh and Pete. What I did forget to ask. What should I start off. Any info from you guys that would be great.

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hey spaz , which side of the state are you on? there a bunch of talented people spread all across this state. i am just outside of philly, as well as some others on here, and a few guys out toward lancaster and a few from out on the other side near pittburg. the only thing you need to do is get the metal hot and hit it, preferably in that order. You should also add your location to your profile so we can see where you are from, we will definetly forget lol.

Edited by NickOHH
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Welcome Spaz, you met two good guys there at that auction. Pete (Crazy Ivan) on here is very knowledgable. And yeah, putting your location in your profile can help. If you poke around on here there's a lot of good information on here to answer a lot of your questions and if you still need help from there the good people here are glad to help. Always helps answering questions that are specific rather then broad as you can get a lot of answers even from a specific question.  

Did you mean start off as far as projects for beginners? A search would bring up a lot of em. 

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Welcome, depending on how far you wish to drive, some guilds that may be within driving distance include:
- Philadelphia Blacksmiths Guild https://sites.google.com/site/stuarttheblacksmith/home/hammertymephilly-the-philadelpia-blacksmiths-guild

- Pennsylvania Artist Blacksmith Guild: http://www.pabasite.org/

- New Jersey Blacksmith Association: ? /

- Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild http://cvbg.org/
- Blacksmith Guild of the Potomac http://www.bgop.org/
- Mid-Atlantic Smiths Association http://www.masasmiths.org/
- Tidewater Blacksmith Guild http://tidewaterblac....com/index.html

- Chesapeake Forge Guild meets at the Kinder Farm Park in Millersville http://www.chesapeakeforge.org/


For a more complete list visit: http://www.abana-chapter.com/

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Yeah it would have probably helped if I would have added where I am from. Butler pa. 45 min north of Pittsburgh. Thanks for the friendly response. I do need to do some searching on here. I guess what I was asking . What you guys that have been there done that. What was the first thing you started with. I figure i would try a sword. LOL! JK Crazy Ivan thanks for the info at the auction.

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