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I Forge Iron

belt buckle

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Hello all new here so this will be my first question. Had a brilliant idea, maybe.....  Was thinking of making a horseshoe belt buckle and then riveting a split cross on top with brass rivets. Has this been done, don't want to jack anyone's idea but think it would be pretty cool if I can get the proportions correct. Any thoughts

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. I haven't seen a horse shoe belt buckle with a spread cross. Sounds like an idea worth the effort. Give it a try or three and post pics please. We LOVE pics. I'm betting it's a marketable idea with a little tweaking.

Don't worry too much about "stealing" someone else's ideas I doubt there are many things you can do with a horse shoe that hasn't been done. So long as you don't counterfeit someone else's work and try passing it off as such you're on pretty good ground. The blacksmith's craft is a series of mastered basics, the most complex project is made up of those basics. Once someone has mastered them you can't keep a secret about how something was made. Sure details maybe but not the project itself.

Enjoy the craft.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Will give it a go this weekend. I'm of the beginner variety but have made working horseshoes and split crosses and got pretty decent doin so. Thinking bout joining our blacksmith group here and the next meeting trade item is blacksmith art. Was trying to come up with something that would qualify. Tripods, bipods and skwerl cookers are my specialty lol

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I see...

 so in the spirit uf hanging a horseshoe upside down over the anvil so th luck will pore out ont ot it...

hope that dont get you in trouble with the missus!

I've heard it called a lot of things, ... but never an "Anvil".  :D



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Ha didn't think of that but its a good one.  The misses got nothing to worry bout I think she's the only one that'll have me. Only an okie would think of that one, I'm an original okie but for the next 3 years I belong to uncle Sam then RETIREMENT!!!!!

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Lol, oh I was just the first to post, lol. I was born to an Okie and a Coloradin at a naval air station near Oak Harbor WA. Raised in Arizona just north of Phoenix, did a stent in Germany for Uncle Sam and migrated to Oklahoma about 15 years ago. 

Thanks for your service. Sounds like you have a woman worth our respect.

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