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I Forge Iron

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I started blacksmithing about 4 months ago with a forge my grandad made and gave me, and with an anvil from a friend of my granddads. I was doing some research into Alldays and Onion, as I noticed the company mark on the side of my anvil, however I cannot find any Alldays and Onion anvil on the Internet what so ever. The anil also has a cast iron stand with the company mark on it. I cannot find any picture of either the anvil or the anvil stand on the Internet. 

I was hoping someone here might know something about it, like how old it is, or if they are a rarity, or how much it might cost, just anything really, thank you.




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Your anvil looks in great shape.

I am surprised you have not been able to locate any company information.

A quick search here on IFI at least should bring up an number of posts about them. I have posted the user manuals for my Alldays and Onions pneumatic hammers and a number of threads refer to them. Their history is mentioned In some of the power hammer installation threads. William Alldays, Pilkington (who made the hammers before Alldays bought them) Alldays and Peacock, Alcosa all of these were linked. They were a general engineering company with many spurs and offshoots and interests not just blacksmith's tools. In the early days of motoring they built cycle cars for instance. 

If ever you see a cast iron hearth with an ogee shaped smoke hood you will find it was made by Alldays and Onions.

My anvil is a Peter Wright but for some time I assumed it was an Alldays and Onions because it was sitting on a similar stand to yours. I have a bit of plywood under the anvil and a platform underneath the stand to lift it up a few inches to give me a better height.


P.S. Just noted you refer to it as an Alldays and Onion rather than Onions. The missing "S" maybe the reason your searches are not successful, try just Alldays anyway…it is reasonably distinctive...

Edited by Alan Evans
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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance.

Your anvil is in beautiful condition I wouldn't care by whom or where she was made I'd be thrilled to have that grand lady and her "seat" in my shop. Alldays and Onions is a BIG company with so many subsidiaries I wouldn't be surprised to find their name on almost anything.

The one thing she really needs is someone to take a hammer and hot steel to her and you'll put a proper shine on her face. If you want to put her in formal dress a wire brush and a finish to her body and she'd be ready for the prom. Personally I like paste wax after she's warmed up to hot coffee temp. my favorite being a good carnuba paste wax like Trewax or Bowling ally wax. It soaks in to all the nooks and crannies when hot and a quick wipe with a clean cloth and she'll be good for decades.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Hi Django - are you in the UK? Add your location to your profile. 


Is there an Alldays and Onions mark on the anvil itself? I'd be interested to see it if so. The only A&O anvil I've seen was a cast iron one. They did make a lot of stands though  as well as forges and I believe vices too. 


All the best 


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