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I Forge Iron

a question for Frosty


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Don't know about 'larding' it. The steaks cook on a barby pretty much the same as beef steaks. I see the supermarkets are selling kangaroo meat sausages now - known as kangabangas. Haven't tried them yet but probably OK.

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Don't know about 'larding' it. The steaks cook on a barby pretty much the same as beef steaks. I see the supermarkets are selling kangaroo meat sausages now - known as kangabangas. Haven't tried them yet but probably OK.

By larding I'm referring to the need to add fat to some game meats or they're too dry. You'd use a "larding needle" on a roast but wrapping or frying bacon is popular.

I was asking in my round about way if Roo is lean or very lean meat. Most deer is almost fat free meat and a person can starve to death with a belly full of deer meat.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Had a friend in Vermont who tried to outrun a Bull Moose from his truck shed to the cabin  door about 125' he lost by 4 steps, 3 weeks in Hospital, 3 months in Rehab facility walks with a walker today 4 yrs. later.  That bull had been around his place for a couples years that morning he had a crump on.  Can't trust any wild animals life isn't a Disney movie. 

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Had a friend in Vermont who tried to outrun a Bull Moose from his truck shed to the cabin  door about 125' he lost by 4 steps, 3 weeks in Hospital, 3 months in Rehab facility walks with a walker today 4 yrs. later.  That bull had been around his place for a couples years that morning he had a crump on.  Can't trust any wild animals life isn't a Disney movie. 

Oh man, you ain't going to outrun a moose unless you have a bolt hole close, a tree is a good choice. It doesn't have to have limbs within reach with a moose on your heels you can jump an amazing distance.

Day before yesterday I saw a cow with fresh calves from a couple hundred feet fortunately.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Hello Frosty,

Älg and moose are the same animal alces alces if we want to be scientific. However they vary a little from area to area and zoologocal splitters name a number of varieties. The Swedish cow is usually 270-360 kg. The bull 350-450 kg. A really big old bull may be 700 kg.

The last day of the hunt, a couple of hunters were on their way back home. They had not seen a single älg. In their frustration they stopped at a farm and shot a cow. They then went into the farmer, explained themselves and paid for the cow. The surprised farmer went out to his cows and found a dead Älg.

A farmer was on his way in the forest on a horsedrawn sled. Suddenly there is a shot and the horse falls down. The farmer walks up to his dead horse and hears a loud wisper: ”Shall we take the calf as well?”


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This is a bit nasty, Frosty. No doubt a moose would be even worse:


That looks about like a moose hit, they vary depending on a number of factors, mostly how you hit them rather than how fast but still bad, Bad, BAD. A gal hit a moose yesterday afternoon but only suffered minor injuries, bruises and glass scratches the moose went to the needy.

Some of the worst strikes are carom shots like the one you posted. The critter gets hit by one vehicle and thrown into another sometimes just wrong so it ends up going through the windshield.

Frosty The Lucky.

First try Forbidden. :angry: Trying edit if this posts. Now it deleted my reply to Gote and merged posts. I'm REALLY disliking the platform.

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