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I Forge Iron

First set of bolt tong

Timmy Charles

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still getting the basic concept of forging a set of tongs, but I thought I'd make my second pair a set of bolt tongs. Filmed the process here.  it was fun and for some reason a slight challenge. I also made a quick hot cut hardy so I don't have to use chisels all the time. It is out of a RR spike so we shall see how long it lasts. 



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Probably not the prettiest pair of bolt tongs, but hey, if they work that's fine! I found an old pair of nippers can be modified to make a good pair of bolt tongs.

Your rail spike hardy looks fine. Would you need to harden it to make it last? Don't know if it's the right sort of steel to harden.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wrote out a fairly large one reply to this thread but apparently it didn't post and I've not been able to get on the forum for a few days for some reason. 


I'm going to give you some constructive criticism, don't take it the wrong way and it's not meant to be nasty. 


The tongs aren't great. Not bad for a first attempt and you clearly have all the processes down which is good. Bolt tongs are difficult at the best of times. 

The jaws aren't even and they're too thin at the boss, which creates a weak point. The boss itself looks good but the reigns taper in the wrong direction. They should be fat nearer the boss, tapering to thin at the other end. 

Looks to me like you started out with material that was just too thin. You need to start with 16mm or bigger material. Or upset the hell out of smaller material. 

Tongs ge aren't easy to make, you have to be very precise and many smiths out there can't make a decent set of tongs. I posted a thread here to show that with practice your tongs do improve. http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/42203-tongs-a-progression/


Have a look at the videos on YouTube done by TechnicusJoe and Torbjorn Arman. 


All the best 



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