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I Forge Iron

Straight Peen Sledgehammer?

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(or pein :D).


Best I can tell from limited research that's what it is at least?


Just ran across this at a local guy's old salvage store.  I'm sure he'd want $25-$30 for it since he typically puts pretty high prices on his stuff, but it caught my eye none the less.  I've never seen a hammer quite like this, I'd guess it to be in the 10-12 lb. range. 


Don't think I'd have much use for it, but thought it was pretty cool.  If I thought I would find a good use for it I'd make him an offer on it.


Found this reference on Wikipedia's website, it's the only thing I can find that looks close -



















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Looks like a very cool old pattern. Point out the rusty head and "cracked" handle you'll have to replace, see if you can get him down to $20. I was picking up sledges every chance I could get, got a nice 12 lb straight peen (on the far left in the pic)post-182-0-27461700-1417817916_thumb.jpg that I didn't think would get much use, till I took a class and learned how to strike.


Now the 12 lb is the go to sledge for tool making and I keep the 7,8 and 9 pounders around for others to use.

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I did pick this one up from him today for $15, I've been looking for a decent sledge for a while.


This one is 10# and says "Drop Forged Japan" on it.  Not sure if it's worth the price I paid, but it should serve me well for now.




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I have a hammer like this that is 12 lb. I picked mine up at an antique store along with a 12 lb cross pein hammer. In this post, 1:42 of the first video, they seem to show one in a rack of top tools.

I dont speek hungarian, so I'm just making a guess at it also being a top tool.

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Hi again,


This is a video about "basic hammering skills" as the title says. At 1:15 in the first video they start to categorize the hammers. They say: "one group of these very ancient tools is the group of the workshop hammers" - a term I've never heard in Hungarian before. "These are generally made of steel but there are hammers made of wooden, copper and plumb for special purposes." Then when the camera takes the top tool rack: "The other main type is the group of the forming/shaping hammers. These are used for special purposes." Then they start telling info about some hammers...


No detailed info told about the model in question.





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Hehe, thanks Thomas, I really meant lead. It was at the end of my work day when I did the translating. Somehow only the Latin plumbum came in mind.


It is a nice old video from times when Hungarian documentary was an existing kind of thing.


If I may point out a couple more parts:


at 3:45 they demonstrate how to re-handle a hammer. It's a bit different as I've seen it on the American/English sites. In Hungary these straight shaped hafts are in use only. It's a now forgotten detail they mention on the vid: the best material for blacksmith's hammer haft is dogwood (in the local circumstances). At 4:15 you can see the typical wedging, we always use one wedge slantwise. 


starting from 7:13 they tell about how to use the hammer: at first thumb on the handle - which results unsure grip, then he shows the gripping near the head - which results low striking force, unsure and erratic striking effect, also the handle can be stuck in the clothes or the bench. Finally he demonstrates the proper grip (7:43).

At 7:55 he shows the bad hammering technique: stiff wrist results in unsure, unforceful hit which wears the striker quickly. At 8:12 he demonstrates the correct striking with one-handed hammers. He says that moving the wrist and elbow together is the key.



And of course it's my pleasure to help, at least I can help a very little "back" to you, guys.  :)





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