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Number & letter stamps

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Can the number and letter stamps sold by Lee Valley be used on hot steel. I dont think they would last very long on cold steel.




Any of you used them or know about them?





PS, I tried the link. It does not work but that is the address. The part number is  92W68.25.



Link works now :)

Edited by Steve Sells
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Try looking at McMaster Carr for their letter and number stamps. MSC also has sets available. High quality and they last a long time. I see cheapo versions in harbor freight but they don't last long. Cold stamping is harder on the stamps and obviously they will not last as long.

I saw a set of old stamps that Clay Specer had, they might have been German, I couldn't tell. They were in an old font and they looked good. Clay used them to stamp his number and initials into all the Tire Hammer builds he was officiating.

Have a good holiday up there in the province.


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I was given a set of # and letter stamps, 2 each in fact different sizes, which had been used in a Die making shop for many years and always on cold steel usually tool steel and they are in good shape. I'm sure these were the best to start with to have lasted this long. HF and the like just wouldn't take the beating needed.

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Peter, Notownkid,

Thanks for the quick anwers.

And Peter, thanks for the wishes. We need these. As I wrote to a friend :

"We were lucky in the last two days we got everything : there was a little sunshine and then the batteries gave and it was as cold as a politician's heart and then it was warm like a kitten so we had rain as if the goddesses were crying their hearts out and snow, enough to foresee the coming of that xxxxxx reindeer again! it is presently snowing and not too cold but f***g uncomfortable!

That was yesterday. 

Have a good holiday.


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Good Morning,


Do your stamping before heat treating. Cold or warm, not hot.

I have many sets, some last a long time. Some of the sets from Princess Auto don't last too long.

Princess Auto = China, you get what you pay for.

Lee Valley, normally has good quality.



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Thanks. I might try LV. They do advertise that the punches can be used in metal. If the punches do not last LV will take them back.  I'll take youre advice ans use it on warm ("old" black heat ...) steel. I'm hesitating between LV and McMaster Carr.



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