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I Forge Iron

Hay Budden ID

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I found a Hay-Budden anvil that my grand father has had for years with the weight stamp of 107 and serial number of 192107.  I was just wondering how old it was and if this weight is in English hundred weights or just pounds.


I also have a Peter Wright stamped with peter wright patented then below that in a circle it says solid wrought and the numbers are 104 which I take to mean it weighs 116lbs I was wondering what the date on that anvil was as well.



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The Peter Wright is marked 104 which I believe to mean it weighs 116lbs because they are marked in English hundred weights.

The Hay Budden is marked 107 so its either 107lbs or 119lbs depending if they use pounds or English Hundred weights.

If I am wrong on this someone please tell me as I have never had either of them on the scale.

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Thank you for that I wasn't sure how they were marked.  Also which is considered to be the better quality anvil of the two? And should I be actively using these like I am or should I be keeping them in their current condition?

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Thank you for that I wasn't sure how they were marked.  Also which is considered to be the better quality anvil of the two? And should I be actively using these like I am or should I be keeping them in their current condition?


Only the H B is in pounds, not both anvils.  Both are excellent anvils.  Put them to use!

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They are both nice useable anvils, I see no reason to think they should be saved as collectors items. If you are concerned that using them may damage them you could use an unhardened hammer, or you could use a hammer that has been slightly over tempered so that though hardened it will be noticeably softer than your anvils.

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I have been using the PW and it seems to be in great working condition still.  Would you believe that I got both of these anvils completely free :) just lucky I guess.  Is there any popular opinion as to which is the better quality anvil?

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I think most smiths will be reluctant to tell you which is best because it really depends on how you will use them. Both are good anvils and 

both will serve you well. Personally, I prefer the HB in that I have rarely seen a HB with a severe sway on the face, whereas, I have seen many many more PWs with sway that makes them unusable.

Now a days we are not subjecting anvils to the kinds of abuse that they used to receive back when they were were used for every imaginable purpose. As for value in Iowa I would imagine that if they are in good condition you MIGHT get $3/lb. In New Mexico $3 would be a pretty reasonable deal only because we don't have many decent used anvils here. 

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I got my HB for $2/lb but I also lucked out. Around my area they go for anywhere from $2lb upward to $6/lb and this tends to have no real basis in quality or make. Its very random. Another issue is up here there are a few "collectors" "resellers" whom I dont think have day time jobs so it is very very difficult to pick up an anvil at a decent price. 


My personal preference would be for the HB just because the top half of the anvil (depending on date) is steel vise just a top plate which as Fudd pointed out can be the issue of the sway back. But then again Ive used my old PW for quiet a few blades. 

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Thank you guys for the responses you have helped a ton.  The face on the PW is nice and flat there is a few dings but no noticeable sway its a joy to use.  Is there a chance that you guys could date the HB? I have the serial number posted at the top of this topic.

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