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I Forge Iron

Hi, I'm a Blacksmithing Enabler, trying to learn more.


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Hi there, I'm the wife of a newbie smith. My husband has been wanting to get into blacksmithing for ages, and I'm all about him getting to do fun things for himself. He's not very good about spending money on himself, or taking the time to do the things that really make him happy, so once he finds something that he wants to do, I sort of bounce at it Tigger style and make things happen.


We have a cool old shed in the back yard of our new house that we call the Murder Shed- it's this rusted metal monstrosity that looks like something from a horror movie. One part has been claimed by my gardening stuff, but a second semi-attached shed, with power already run to it, is slated to become the smithy.


Hubs has stated a preference for working with a gas forge, which I'm all for because the thought of having to clean coal dust off things Does Not Make For Happy Wife. I'm trying to find nearby (Austin area) workshops and things for him to go to, and generally figure out what needs to be acquired to get him started. At this point I'm mostly trying to find an anvil for him, because he can (and probably will) do the rest. 


I might do a little smithing myself, because I'm a bad XXX Irish peasant wife with mad upper body strength (from years of breeding for hauling potatoes, I assume), but this is mostly his thing. 


Nice to meet y'all and I've already learned a LOT from just lurking!


please watch the Language.

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Stephen's got it right with suggesting ABANA. In Central Texas that would be the Balcones Forge Association, a wonderful group of people which you'll feel right at home with. I just joined in November. They have some fantastic workshops coming up that neither of you are going to want to miss!

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Balcones Forge has a very good following in the Austin area.  They will be meeting this Saturday at Stevens Foundry in Bulverde.  The details can be found at balconesforge.org.  February will be at Steephollow Forgeworks in Bryan, Texas.  We will be meeting there along with HABA, LAMA and probably North Texas.  Lyle Wynn will be the demonstrator.  Along with the demo, they will do another iron smelt.  We will have our big event in March, The Bluebonnet Demo.  We are very fortunate to have Mark Aspery coming out again this year.  This is a really great group.  A bunch of smiths with a lot of talent, all of them very willing to share what they know.  Come out and see us, we would be happy to have you.  Jerry W.

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Anvils are hard to find in this area, but keep an eye on craigslist for Austin, Dallas & Houston and put the word out to friends and people you meet.  Search the IFI forum for alternate ideas, you don't have to have a standard London pattern or drop on a roadrunner type anvil.  Many, including myself started on a large, heavy piece of steel and I still use it as it has sharp edges and different dies.

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Howdy from EAST TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI!


I whole heartedly encourage you to hook up with the Balcones group! amazing folks and yes, they have several ladies that swing a mean hammer to make beautiful things!  Also, you HAVE to make the trip to Bryan, TX to attend the Lee Bros  Combo-Demo this coming Feb.22.  Blacksmithing at it's best with hand forged work to see, touch and buy. There will also be a tailgating section that you just might find that special anvil, forge, hammer, tongs or whatever. Great to have you here and look forward to meeting you and your husband in Feb!    (P.M. sent)

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