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I Forge Iron

Steam Locomotive

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   Incredible what they managed to do so many years ago. Forging, Machining, Casting and all that fun.



  Good godfrey man ,don't talk about it as if it were men from ancient times! That film was made only 15 years before I was born! Those engines were built at what could now be called the height of mechanical engineering. The same period as the British Spitfire, the American P51 Mustang with the Marlin and Allison engines respectively.


  It was a time of great skilled craftsmanship both in engineering design and skilled workman who still new how to use their hands.Not a time of cave men with limited resources or experience.


RANT over you just made me feel old all of a sudden, somthing I don't really notice most of the time :unsure:

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  Good godfrey man ,don't talk about it as if it were men from ancient times! That film was made only 15 years before I was born! Those engines were built at what could now be called the height of mechanical engineering. The same period as the British Spitfire, the American P51 Mustang with the Marlin and Allison engines respectively.


OLDER THAN DIRT! :lol: .........Well, it was made 13 years before my debut and my Dad spent many  thrilling and extermely tense hours behind a Merlin in both Spits and P51's and quite a few are still air worthy after 60 years. I don't think that will be said of the more modern, computer avionics fighters of today. Kill the brain/computer and it's a pile of junk.

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My great grandfather and grandfather both helped to build steam locomotives for the Norfolk and Western Railway. When granddaddy was still alive, he'd take me to the transportation museum in Roanoke, Virginia and show me the locomotives he'd help build. He'd tell me about the challenges they had in building the different locomotives, and I still treasure those memories today.

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