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I Forge Iron

Got my anvil

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I had to make a axe and small knife for a client that had an anvil I wanted. I made the axe and then decided to make another, he chose this one


Over this one previously shown


And this is what I got - A whopping 235 kgs


Will post a side view when I can get it all off the truck

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Now THAT'S a shop anvil! Nice axes but I like the one he picked myself. I like the finer layers, the contrast is excellent in both. Outstanding work, you did well, VERY well.


Do you have a concrete floor in your shop? If so rent an engine hoist to move your new anvil. If you have a soil floor the options all are more labor intensive and slow. In some situations like this the best option is to throw a BBQ for a few friends and just have the gang pick it up and place it where you want it.


Frosty The Lucky.

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