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I Forge Iron

what should i pay for this hammer,

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It looks like a good hammer.

 I have no idea about the availability of hammers over there.

 in the uk I believe a working hammer like that would cost between £800 and £1500 pounds although they can go for a lot less and if you needed it its worth paying more for a hammer.

 I hope you strike a good deal.

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what size is it??  Looks like a Champion blower & forge??  They made a 30, a 65 (which I think that one in the pics is) and a 125 which was a a lot different.    In the USA a 65 that is in decent shape, may need some TLC etc... should be in the 1500-2500 range depending on location, extras etc.  Ive seen them for more and less, but that seems to be the median price here. 

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I agree, 65# Champion.  Lamey's USA price is good too.  Only thing I'd add is that is probably a later model with the wrap around versus the crossover treadle.  If they are going to break they tend to crack at the lower dovetail so check that area.  Snappy little hammers!

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Looks can be deceiving.  See how it runs.  See if it hits evenly at different speeds.  Can it hit light and hard without missing hits?  I would lower the dies to their lowest point and measure all around to see if it things are square.  Good luck.    

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It does look like a 65lb Champion however I have never seen one with a clutch, all the ones I have seen state side are slack belt machines.   I have owned two of these and can say without hesitation that they are a better machine than most in this size range.    Condition is everything.  It could be a bargin at $3000 USD and  $500 USD could be too much (say if the frame had a major crack)     If it is in top working condition I would pay top dollar If I was in need.  You would be hard pressed to find a better hammer.

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i have to side with stu here... that hammer if sound will far out perform most  mechanical hammers... most folks undervalue them,not really understanding how robust they are.. soild hard hitting hammers... get it !!! you wont regret it!!! as for it being a champion.. its a good chance,but my money would be on a hercules

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In Aus these sort of hammers are fairly sought after as they can be as I term "garage hammers" (you can run them in the garage on 240V).  It doesnt require large foundations if at all.  I would estimate on Aus prices $2700 to $5500.  If you can get it for less good on you.  A massey 1cwt in slides will sell for about $7000.00 yet a 7cwt clear space Massy will sell for about $7000.00 as well, reason, less demand for a 7 than a 1cwt, only idiots like Moony and me will go buying 7s for fun.

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G'day Adam,

I strongly agree with "If they are going to break they tend to crack at the lower dovetail so check that area" and study the rest of the frame as well. 

Unless you are a good enough cast iron welder and have the facilities, a break somewhere important will start at hundreds to repair. 

good luck, looks a nice one. 


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Well I 'spose i've bought the butt end of the market;  one broken, 1921 era,  75lb hammer $1200 (rash decision...).  The second, little bit broken, WWI age, 50lb hammer $150.


When I was an apprentice I failed to complete negotiations for a damaged but working Goliath going for $1500 (14 years ago).  Around the same time a machinery dealer in Auburn had a big Champion for $4000, I wasn't interested.  


Almost regularly a mechanical power hammer pops up on ebay or gumtree, mostly in the $3000 to $8000 price range.  I don't know if they sell.  For that sort of money, you could probably pay someone to build a nice new tire-drive hammer with spare dies. 


For me (a tight-wad) such a purchase is a balancing act of issues...  


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