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I Forge Iron

Hola from Spain


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Hi my name is Angel and I live in Barcelona Spain. I have 37 years my work is fitter welder. My hobby are irons and where I see you always take a chance to transform it see. Since 2 years I aim at forging a course since I stay in love with this beautiful art. I am a person who loves to learn and so I found this site looking. My English is very bad and as I could not find any site to introduce myself I decided to do it here. I hope to learn a lot and provide some knowledge. In brief shall begin a new project and will hang some pictures, hope you like it. Greetings from the old continent

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Hola Angel, welcome aboard, happy to have you! Please put your general location in the header so we'll know where you are. If you have trouble just say so, we'll help.


Don't worry about your English, it's just fine, better than a lot of native English speakers as a matter of fact. I only speak one language and only know Mui poquito Spanish. Spain has a long tradition of fine iron work, dating back to or before Roman influence. I look forward to whatever you have to say or show us.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Welcome to the site. Your English is good, but if you have problems, try a translator on the internet. Photos cross all languages so no need for English there.



Bienvenido a la página. Su inglés es bueno, pero si tienes problemas, pruebe un traductor en internet. Fotos Cruz todos los idiomas sin necesitan de inglés allí.

Bienvenido al sitio web. Su nivel de Inglés es bueno, pero si tiene problemas, intente un traductor en internet. Fotos cruz todos los idiomas así que no hay necesidad de Inglés.

Sea bienvenido al sitio. Su inglés está bien, pero si tiene problemas, procese un traductor en Internet. Las fotos cruzan todas las lenguas tan ninguna necesidad de inglés allí.

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Welcome to the site...I'm glad to see someone from Spain. I found out recently my great great grandfather was a blacksmith from my mothers hometown Madrid. Hopefully I can get more info on his life as one and even visit his shop if it's still around. Maybe you could give us some yours of some blacksmith shops around your area, I would love yo see some pictures and videos.

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Thanks for the welcome. I always need a translator I am very stubborn with languages. As soon as possible and learn how to upload photos I will happy, but I have algum video. I know that this is not forging hope you like it.






This project is something old. After that look for a good teacher and enpece smith forging a course. For two years introduce forging knowledge everything related to sculpture, grilles, handles, mobility, bikes etc ...

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