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I Forge Iron

Poppa John (My Father-in Law)

Robert Yates

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Hello Forging Family,


Today my family has received some very bad news my Father -in- Law has Colon Cancer He is 71 years old . A year or so back he made a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) decree and keeps it with him at all times . However when he found out he had Cancer he ripped it up and said he wanted to live for his Grand kids and still be part of their lives .(Thank the Good Lord above he is not giving up !) he is the only /last living Grand Parent that my kids have . Please keep him and us in your Prayers as we will soon be going to FL to be with him as he is getting ready for surgery to remove a baseball sized tumor form his colon and will have to endure Chemo as well to ensure that it is all gone . 


This Good Man is /has been very good to me and like a Dad to me from the time I met him .


Best Regards & Blessings




Here are a few of Poppa John









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