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I Forge Iron

How to forge hand tools! The square and round punch! TUTORIAL!

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Hey guys! 
Thought I may post this here, this is an informational video about how to forge punches efficiently! :)


Hope you all enjoy! 

Any suggestions for future videos? 





Many thanks!!!



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Alec, you have produced a fine instructional video that will teach many people for many years to come. 


Great job young man! Thank you for making the video and for posting. You are a part of what makes I Forge Iron a great site.


Mark <><

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I'm "working" right now :ph34r: so can't down load and watch these til I get home, but I have seen some of your other videos and have been quite impressed. I'll also confess I really like Brians videos as well and his techniques which you seem to have really made your own. I actually am in the process of making my first set of punches based on Brian's prior posts on here, so your videos come at a great time for me. Teachers come in many forms, and although you may not realize it, you are instructing those more than twice your age.


If your taking requests on videos, how about layout, making and assembling shelf brackets with scroll work, I know a guy about to start building some for the first time LOL...

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Well done Alec, good production values and you only blocked the camera a couple times in the whole show. This and your other instructional videos are good solid work to the benefit of all.


Thank you.


Frosty The Lucky.

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I'm just curious, why the pointed tips? I haven't run across any old square or slot punches, but all the old round punches at the shop that I hammer at have flat faces.  Is it so that it's easier to find a mark from a centerpunch when starting the hole?

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Nope, it makes a cleaner hole in thick stock, the flat ended ones work in thin stock. And if their masproduced then they need to be dresses like a new hamer, anvil, chisel etc.
I bet some one can guide you to the link where Brian talked about it.
I'll try and find it but my google foo isn't so good.

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