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This is a picture of the channel lock plier I am using as a pair of tongs to hold railroad spikes. I saw it being used on a YouTube video of some chap making a knife out of a RR spike.


As you can see, I already used them, but the shiny metal on the pliers concerned me, as I know this is a property of galvanized steel. I used it outside, I don't know if that helps.


Galvanizing would have turned into a white or greyish powder when heated. And it is typically not mirror shiny, more like interlocking frost crystals on a window. (I know that is a foreign concept in SoCal, but work with me here.)


Most likely chrome plated the same way some wrench and socket sets are. Not that hexavalent chromium is good for you either, it just takes a lot more heat to release. As in cherry red to white hot.


Thank you for your information sir, that's quite a relief.


Those pliers serve as great tongs, and I hate using tongs, but the dragon breath of my gas forge is punishing. 


I think channel locks use some kind of varnish over the polished portion of the pliers. You might be able to email/call channel lock & find out.


Just curious. Why don't you like using tongs? Not that there is anything wrong with that, just curious. Also, use caution with those should you get them hot enough to melt the plastic grips. Plastic burns hurt.


Mark <><


channel lock pliers are a poor replacement for tongs. do yourself a favor and buy a set of tongs. if you go into any blacksmith shop you will see racks filled with tongs. channel locks are in the toolbox for working on the car.


btw railroad spikes make poor knives at best.


I am guessing that you are somewhat of a beginner (you didn't say) so no offense meant, but if you're going to go down this road you might as well start in the right direction.


soon you will be making your own tongs.


I agree with Bob.  Channel locks are mediocre at best for holding hot stock.  The teeth mar your work and don't hold the stock as securely as an appropriate pair of tongs.  Even if you have an oddly shaped piece of stock, you can make tongs that are specifically designed to hold well.


Well-fitted tongs hold more securely, keep your hands further away from hot metal, and won't leave marks in your stock.  You'll spend less time fiddling around trying to get a grip on your steel, and more time hammering.


Thank you for your information sir, that's quite a relief.

A little wiff of vaporized zinc would't put you in the trauma ward, It's just better not to do it at all. I have pliers just like yours and I believe they're just bare steel, too bad they were good pliers.....


I need something to hold metal, the pliers work. There is no right direction, only one that suits you. RR spikes don't make good knifes? I hear that a lot, I think it's nonsense. When you compare the spike to what knives are made from today, sure they are a bit sub par, but a knife is a knife. RR spikes can't hold edges? Then sharpen it. It'll still cut, sure it'll dull faster, but it works.

These ideas that one way is better than another way is self limiting. You do what works for you, not because the majority say so. Are we not artists?


It's not a problem of "does it work"  or even "does it work better" - it's a question of "does it make you work more" or "will it lead to injuries long term".  There is a reason, with all the vice grips, channel locks, various pliers, why smiths buy or make tongs.  You are kidding yourself if you think the pliers work well or better than tongs.

BUT if you want to continue using them I won't stop you.   I will, however, when you injure yourself not using proper equipment, say "he earned it".


As for rr spikes, no they don't make GOOD knives.  It may make a few cuts but they don't hold an edge for long which means you'll sharpen it all away before you've made a dent in an appropriate knife steel.  

Again, if it's what you want to use I won't stop you.  If you want the extra work then go for it, and should you get injured because you try forcing a dull spike through a cut that a sharp knife would handle with ease, again I'll say "he earned it".




Life is pretty simple, Ron, The possibility to heat metal and move it to creative will has been around longer than these methods devised. It has it's own way of being. Our understanding of things will always be subjective, but not of greater or lesser quality than any other person's subjective experience. 

Don't let my assertions upset you, you needn't confirm your beliefs with my physical injury. Something that is true will stand on its own, regardless of other conditions. 

Continue believing your ways and doing what you do with complete joy. It doesn't matter what you do or what you believe, just do it with joy. If it is not done with joy, it is not worth doing.


Life is pretty simple, Ron, The possibility to heat metal and move it to creative will has been around longer than these methods devised. It has it's own way of being. Our understanding of things will always be subjective, but not of greater or lesser quality than any other person's subjective experience. 

Don't let my assertions upset you, you needn't confirm your beliefs with my physical injury. Something that is true will stand on its own, regardless of other conditions. 

Continue believing your ways and doing what you do with complete joy. It doesn't matter what you do or what you believe, just do it with joy. If it is not done with joy, it is not worth doing.

What have you been smoking? Tongs are demonstrably better than Chanel locks.  Carbon steel with known properties is better than unknown scrap for making knives.  I take joy in a job well executed with a quality product at the end of it.  Sorry to harsh your buzz dude. 


I didn't say tongs weren't better lol.

That entire post you quoted actually had nothing to do with tongs. That's odd.


actualy the referance Thomas posted had a lot to do with the lack of experiance, and refusal to listen.  but have fun and keep your insurance paid up.


Why do my unconventional assertions bother you folk?

What with all the predictions of physical injury or financial disaster?

You make these predictions under the guise of experience, but I know that these predictions are NOT based under any experience, but are made because your egos are wounded. Your predictions are of the same nature as when Child "A"  calls Child "B" stupid because Child "B" is doing something different than what Child "A's" parents have taught him.



The more I forge the less and less I see as subjective in the craft.  Much of what we do is governed by science, physics, well practiced technique, and visual/intellectual understanding of forms found in our world.  The people who embrace skill and knowledge will always be better craftspeople. 


Why do my unconventional assertions bother you folk?

What with all the predictions of physical injury or financial disaster?

You make these predictions under the guise of experience, but I know that these predictions are NOT based under any experience, but are made because your egos are wounded. Your predictions are of the same nature as when Child "A"  calls Child "B" stupid because Child "B" is doing something different than what Child "A's" parents have taught him.



your "unconventional assertions" don't bother me one bit. what does bother me is that I spent a few minutes of my time to give you a honest answer when the whole time you were just hiding in the weeds waiting to shove any replies down the throats of those that made them.


go on and hold your "art" in your channel locks. I won't be fooled into responding to you again.


your "unconventional assertions" don't bother me one bit. what does bother me is that I spent a few minutes of my time to give you a honest answer when the whole time you were just hiding in the weeds waiting to shove any replies down the throats of those that made them.


go on and hold your "art" in your channel locks. I won't be fooled into responding to you again.

I gave you an honest answer too. :rolleyes:



The more I forge the less and less I see as subjective in the craft.  Much of what we do is governed by science, physics, well practiced technique, and visual/intellectual understanding of forms found in our world.  The people who embrace skill and knowledge will always be better craftspeople. 

Knowledge is beautiful, without it, I would not be able to even respond to you!

But knowledge is nothing without something to hold it. Knowledge by itself is useless. Knowledge is only knowledge when there is an experiencer, and then, when there is an experiencer, then knowledge becomes an experience.

It is best not to confuse the experience with the experiencer. You are the experiencer, not the experience. Simple observation, no?

If I place hot steel on an anvil and strike directly downward with the hammer, the steel will begin to flatten. Now I know that when these conditions are satisfied, this result will occur! Beautiful observation, but it is only an observation, albeit a repeatable observation. Best not to get caught up with the experience. Great that I know something I did not, but altogether, all that matters is you, the experiencer.


Knowledge, as an experience, is just a "Feelie".

Without you, the feelie is nothingness. So rejoice in the fact that you give knowledge life!


And who would have known we would get existential in this silly topic! I never know what's at the end of a corner...


So when you flatted RR spike falls out of your Chanel locks and burns a hole through your pants scaring your leg for life you can say the pain was subjective and as good as any other feeling.  


Why do my unconventional assertions bother you folk?

What with all the predictions of physical injury or financial disaster?

You make these predictions under the guise of experience, but I know that these predictions are NOT based under any experience, but are made because your egos are wounded. Your predictions are of the same nature as when Child "A"  calls Child "B" stupid because Child "B" is doing something different than what Child "A's" parents have taught him.


MY predictions are based on when I started I had little money and no skill, just desire.  I started using slip-joint pliers, vice gripes and channel locks while I save pennies for tongs.  After getting tongs I found I was doing less work to get more done and didn't hurt at the end of the day.  You may be young enough now to not hurt after a while of using channel locks but you are hurting yourself.


When I see someone doing something that isn't the best way I tell them so.  Frequently I tell them why, but that is way to much typing for me.  You can search and find the reasons.  Once I've warned you, I feel I did what I needed.  If you continue and get hurt I won't feel bad for you.


You don't know half of what you think you do.




I agree with all that you are saying, tongs are better than channel-locks, but I never said they were not. The channel-lock serves it purpose, why hate on the poor channel-lock? It works! Sure, not as good as something else, but it works.




That pain would be excruciating! I hate burns! But of course it's subjective, you only feel that terrible pain because you're in a flesh costume! It definitely is not as desirable like good feelings are, but all feelings are subjective. Don't get lost in them, just enjoy them...or in the case of the burn, try to enjoy it! lol...The burn is already tearing through flesh, the least you can do is show the wound some love and understanding, no?


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