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Max to bid on post vice


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too many variables.  size condition how avalible they are in your area how much $$ in your pocket how bad you need one.

Personaly I have paid a buck up to $300 but have seen people pay 1000.

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I started this endeavor in 2009 and I have three post vises.


4 1/2 $24 dollars at the scrap yard


5 1/2 $40 off ebay


100 Pound 5 7/8" for $40


I just passed up a 5 inch for 50 last week.


You pay what you want to, but around here they can still be found cheap.

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In georgia, paid 40 for a four and a half incher couple of weeks ago, not sure on the weight, fells like about 70, 80 lbs. I've seen similar go for around 200 here, but kept my eye out, and if I'd wanted more, the guy I got mine from had almost 10 in various condition for the same price.

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If the threads are still good and all the parts are there, spend as you see fit.   Any good quality vise that you bought brand-new would cost you at least $100, and you can't get new post/leg vises, so you really can't go wrong.


Before you pay top dollar, though, make sure it has all the parts to mount it.  You should have the flange with the bolt holes, bracket that attaches to the flange, and the gib key/wedge combo that cinches the bracket tight to the flange.  Oh, and it should have the leaf spring to help open the jaw.  If the threads are sound, but a part is missing, that's grounds for a drop in the price.  Just explain to the auctioneer that parts are missing and that it needs to be mentioned to the bidders.


I paid $50 for mine.

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When I bought mine I used this one as reference on what to pay.https://www.blacksmithsdepot.com/page.php?theLocation=/Resources/Product/Blacksmith_Vise/Small_Blacksmith_Vise.xml/ I also used this number to help justify/show my wife what a great deals my vise purchases were. She thought they were cheap enough to be okay with spending the money. And I knew they were great, because who doesn't love a good post vise? When I look at them, especially the early ones, they are beautiful examples of craftsmanship and design. To see each of the forge weld lines of the individual pieces laid over and hammer marks left from when it was made, brings me almost to a standstill much like a forged anvil. They are impressive and to me, museum-quality heirlooms of functionality. If they are not new they are priceless, as they most likely will never be made that way again. If they are new then, they are just prohibitively priced.

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Well, I didn't find anything at the auction. Not a single vice was to be found sprawled amongst the twenty acres. An 75 lb. anvil, though not sure what brand, went for only 65$ in not bad condition. 


wd, that's a great find. I search craigslist often and hardly ever come up with anything. Thanks for sharing, I'll get in touch with him. 

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Glad I could help, I am also sorry that I forgot about not posting links to c-list.


Porkchop let me know how you make out.  If you missed that one I just saw another one pop up tonight that was $80 for a 4 incher. There is a heavy looking five maybe 6 inch vise for 175 closer to me in York. Message me if you want the details.

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Wd, thanks for the help, but I actually scored a nice 5" (?) columbian today without a spring for 40$. I Can't imagine it will be too difficult to make a spring for it. I only say 5 because it doesn't come apart past that. Patience is a virtue, in which I am learning. 

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