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I Forge Iron

My tiny workshop

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Hi guys, figured I'd post some pictures of my rather small workshop seeing as I keep asking questions about how to improve what I've got. I live in a rented property I can't do much with it as much as I'd like to.

This is the view from my shed door looking in. The shed measures approximately 6x8 feet. Pretty small by anyones standards. But as you can see I've got it quite well equipped. I've since added a belt grinder to the bench. I think I've got enough tools now to do a good portion of the jobs I'd like to work on, but we'll see.
I too, this picture shortly after I reorganised the shed and build a smaller bench, there's much more space than I had, but it's still rather limiting.


Here you can see my bench, the small leg vice I use and the smallest of my anvils. This was my first ever real anvil. I purchased it on ebay from a farrier who lived in the highlands of Scotland. Ive had it for over 5 years now. This isn't the anvil you saw in the video I made and posted up a week or so ago. I've had real sentimental attachment to this anvil but it had to go to make space. Luckily I know a young lad who lives near my folks who is going to take a blacksmithing course at college, so he's having the anvil to work on.


This is my tool rack. It is made from one side of a large dog cage and as you can see it works really rather well. My hammer and tong collection is really rather small, but I get by okl. I've made four of the six sets of tongs that I have, though I really could do with a few more. My hammers have been acquired from various places from scrap yards to boot fairs. I don't think I paid any more that £5 for any of them so far. Come to think of it, I'm steadily becoming the king of thrift. I've acquired all of my tools including the anvils and my vise on a very tight buget. :)


Cheers guys

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I would sell one of my kids for a shop that big. Who am I kidding, I'd trade off all three of my teenagers for a shop that big. My tools and steel are in a couple of outdoor closets.
To save room but give you some extra work space, you might think about a fold down table.

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I would sell one of my kids for a shop that big. Who am I kidding, I'd trade off all three of my teenagers for a shop that big. My tools and steel are in a couple of outdoor closets.
To save room but give you some extra work space, you might think about a fold down table.

Lol. I used to live in a third floor flat. Any tools I had were kept in a chest of drawers and I did all the work at my computer desk. No forging at the time obviously.

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No, no forging at my computer desk either. There's NO WAY I'd have a hammer within reach of this frustrating, contrary thinky machine! Actually it's the ITs that tick me off, they seem to think menus are the answer to any questions. Of course I'm sure it's just so they don't have to talk to real humans. Bet ITs don't allow hammers anywhere near them either. <grin>


Frosty the Lucky.

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No, no forging at my computer desk either. There's NO WAY I'd have a hammer within reach of this frustrating, contrary thinky machine! Actually it's the ITs that tick me off, they seem to think menus are the answer to any questions. Of course I'm sure it's just so they don't have to talk to real humans. Bet ITs don't allow hammers anywhere near them either. <grin>


Frosty the Lucky.

Breathe Frosty... BREATHE

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Thanks Josh, deep breathing helped a lot. I'd just been trying to figure out how to do something really simple with Firefox. I mean REALLY basic and easy, make out club's IFI page the default page when I open Firefox. took me three days, had Deb saying harsh things when she tried. Worst of all I tried to ask a QUESTION! ARGHHHHH!!! <Deep breath . . . deep breath. . . . break old coffee cup> AHHH, I'm okay now.


I got it straightened out, asked a friend and it did indeed turn out to be stupid easy. So, now I'm not only frustrated, even after the fact, but I'm embarrassed!


Frosty The Lucky.

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Tea is gooooood. I don't know about that Gogly Chrome though. I've hear mixed reviews but that's normal.


Right now I have my plate pretty full learning how to work this new laptop. Windoze 8 is a lot different than XP. What was wrong with being able to find things? I know how folders work and I haven't figured out what 8 uses at all.


Think a cup of pepper mint tea is calling. <grin>


Frosty the Lucky.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Savage.
I've rebuilt my workbench using wooden legs now which is significantly more sturdy. I've also removed that anvil and sent it to a young lad near home. Got the Peter wright in there now. I'm still struggling for space. But I think that will be an on going battle.


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A well organised small space can be ten times as big as a badly organised big one. One buzzword drummers use all the time, (especially fast paced heavy metal drummers), is 'ergonomics'...save yourself energy by positioning things in the most convenient spot and use the correct technique to make the movement with as little energy as possible...so you can save yourself the energy for headbanging to the chorus.


Just one thing...where's the forge?

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Thanks again guys.

Kurgan, the forge is just outside the door to the shed. Just a step from the anvil. I did make a video tour of the shed and put it up on YouTube but it was rather dull. I can't access that website on this rig either so no link I'm afraid guys.

I'm having a mini forge in with a buddy in a couple of weeks so we will will see how it all goes.

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