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I Forge Iron

Is this a forge or just an old Blacksmith's table?

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G'day Will,

'tis a leg vice table.

Check out the hole pattern in the top for the 'leaf' shaped mounting bracket and the single hole underneath in the long side of base triangle.

 I wonder if it is an Alldays & Onions product- 'cos they were in Birmingham making diverse forging equipment...

lots of other manufacturers were there as well, of course.


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I think that table is from a kick press. The notch in the front is where the press mounted and the configuration of the legs would allow the foot lever to travel to the back when the operator kicked it. The large surface is where the parts that were being assembled would be placed.

I have several tables like that from my father's factory. I used one to mount a vise to and the other holds a grinder.

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