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need advice on vice stand i'd like to build

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Need some engineering advice. I am going to try and build something that will do the following: be a stand for a vise. The vise is going to have to rest on lightly uneven ground. It will weigh 100lb (45.5kg). I will be able to move it on occasions. I'd like to see if maybe a tripod will do:

* the stand for the vise will be made of 1/2" plate (probably 12" x 12")

* the vise stand should base height should be at 40" above ground

* each leg of the vise will be 2" schedule 40 galvanized pipe.

* the feet will be cross drilled holes at bottom, and have maybe 5" circular pads

* the vise base should be mounted to where the vise itself is aligned with the back leg of the tripod (this will split the diference between the two front legs.).

The vise itself will not be used to handle real heavy objects. It's just a good old vice, and will be a good holder and anvil.
It's one of those deals where I picked it up years back, and am now getting ready to use it.


Make it as heavy as you like.  Definitely want to make a tripod design.  Make it so you can mount wheels on the legs so you can move it "easily" like a hand-truck.


Fe-Wood, I'm sooooo stealing that idea!  Beautiful design!!


Yeah, Peter that stand is awesome. I started cutting up some super duper heavy angle for making one of these today!!!! I knew the monster bit of angle, and some hefty channel plus a nice big section of box would come in handy one day! All I need to source is a bit of plate to fasten the vice to. Sure a bit will show up sooner or later. It won't be nearly so pretty as yours though!


Fe-wood I am soooo bummed out. I just built a vice stand last weekend. I wish I had seen your pic. I would have built that instead. Ah well... there is always next time.


vaughn t,

Have at it! I'm glad you like it!


Thanks Colleen! I made that with a friend out of drops in his scrap pile! The guy is a master fabricator and it just about fell together. Of course we had a good plan and made adjustments as needed. 



one can never have to many vices or stands for them....


I've recently built a vice stand where I can offer some advice that may help your build.


Tripod as said above, uneven ground. Three legs are better than four.


Weight. Try and get as much weight into your build as you can. The heavier the better (within reason) I find levering anything in the vice is much more stable where there's a good heavy table. It's much easiler.


Movable The one disadvantage on a heavy table is moving the thing if you wish to relocate. Alright if there's an overhead gantry but in most cases there's not. I've left a small flat at the back of mine so I can insert the pallet truck and pick up and move. Let the truck move these things and save your back!


Options Try and design your table to do more than just hold your vice. I've inserted some holes on the upper & lower plates to hold some jigging almost like the hardie hole on the anvil. Again, get the most from your build and justify your time spent building. Any additional features here will save your movement around the shop floor and get the most from each heat


Colour I'll leave that to yourself lol





Now thats a vise stand


Like the Color



Highsider, the dude that could cart that thing off would not be deterred by the dog.....or anything short of artillery.


Thank you John & yesteryearforge, high praise indeed..I like to build them heavy :D


I have another work in progress at the moment for the anvil. I need more stability and have a platform half built all from 2,1/2" x 2" solid. Still a bit to go here but not much left to do. Should be a good job when it gets finished




Oh yeah...


My new workshop buddy...10 week old German shepard..you just have to have a dog about the place. :D



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