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I Forge Iron

Project Design: Striker for Flint and Steel


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This is the process that I use to teach technological design. It is a multistep process in which the student is presented with a problem and must then create a solution to that problem. These problems can range from complex to very simple. The concentration here is not on the product as it is more related to the process of designing. I normally select a challenge that fits my students' skill level.

In the example below I presented myself with the problem of designing and fabricating a simple hand forged product, a steel striker. I went through this process to have an example of what I was looking for to hang in my room as a reference. If you look close you will most likely find a few errors in spelling. If you do then you can fingure out why I am a not an English or Language Teacher, Hah!

Anyway, I did not include the actual desing brief as it for some reason will not convert here at home. I will see tomorrow if I can convert it at school. Also, if anybody would like a blank PDF of this packet for use please send me a message. To me it is a fantastic way to teach the desing process. Let me know what you think.
















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Thanks, I thought so too. I have these posted in the back of my classroom as examples and I reference them often. I certainly spend time on each section as to what I need the studens to do and understand. Having these in the back of the room aids in helping some of them grasp the whole process. Design or Create is a high level thought process that is not easy to do, well. There is a lot that needs to be understood in order to design well. A lot of my students just struggle with the comprehension of what it is, let alone how to do it. Then you throw in that they have to carry these designs out and it really can be a tough thing to grasp in 9 weeks.

Today I was explaing the whole prcess to a stundet who was asking some questions and I brought him back to my design wall with these pictures. After I helped him through I sgot the idea of scanning them and posting them on here, and here you go.

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Way to go. Good process. It may be easier for you to straighten the spring by putting a strong piece of round stock in the vise horizontally, slide the hot spring over it and pull the hot end. The reverse of making a spring. Of course if the spring is too big you won't have the strength to pull is open and you'll have to cut sections to straighten. Also titanium is a good material for strikers.

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It's hard to get even engineering students to internalize the DFX process: Design For Use, Design for Maintenance, Design for Manufacturing, etc.

I get a lot of "why did you do it that way?" questions where the answer is: I designed it to use materials and equipment I already have rather than need to job it out or purchase a 20' stick of steel when all I need is 8"

A corollary is the cautionary tale of the new engineer that was tasked to design a simple bracket; but when he took it to the shop they told him that each one would cost $500. he went back and complained to his coworkers about them gouging him and one said "let me see the design". He looked over it made an annotation to it and said "try it again!".

This time the price was $5 per unit---the difference? He had annotated that all dimensions had a quite liberal tolerance to them and so instead of each one taking hours of set up time to be extremely precise and with a high number of scrapped pieces do to quality failures, it was a simple job that could be done by anyone in the shop between other set ups.

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Not to forget that at one time, fancy fire steels were used by gentlemen of leisure and carried much as pocket watches were carried at a later period. q. v., from "The Art of Ironworks in Mexico," Grupo Financiero Bancomer, ISBN 968-6258-48-5. 1994.

The U shaped steels with the double curlicues closure, shown in wdandml's Investigation line drawings, upper left, were very much favored as commonly used, everyday steels in New Mexico and northern Chihuahua.* In the old, old days, the Spanish steels may have been elliptical, because the Spanish word for fire steel is "eslabon" which also translates as "link."

The double scrolled steel picured below the "monkey tail" is a duplicate of one I saw at the Van Alen House museum in New York. It was misslabeled as a mason's mortar smoothing tool, and I corrected the staff. Its history was that it was found on a timber in the attic of the house under a coat of dust. It was cleaned and put on exhibit. I assumed it was a Dutch style. In the kitchen of the same house was hanging on the wall a quite large steel, maybe 6" long. I asked about it, and was told it was oversized so the kitchen help would not lose it. Makes sense.

* "Southwestern Colonial Ironwork" by Marc Simmons & Frank Turley. Sunstone Press, Santa Fe, NM, 2008 2nd printing.
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John, I will make sure that I have a copy ready for you sometime in the near future. Private message me an email and I will make sure you get a copy. The only caveat I have is that if you find a way to improve this process let me know. I also have a PowerPoint that I use to explain each step along the way and as a student reference. I also have a generic rubric for grading if you wish. If you can use any of it let me know.

Frank, fantastic addition thanks for commenting as it helped to enrich this post. When I did my research for this activity I just searched google, hardly exhustive by any means.

So, if I order the book through you do I get a signed copy?

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