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Hooray my anvil came today!!!!! 110 pounds, cast H13. It hase a nice wide face, greeat rebound, excellent well designed shape. I am very pleased with it, it should be perfect. I need to build a steel stand for it. Jymm was kind enough to send a hardy hot/cold cutter with it! cannot wait to hit hot steel on it!










Side by side with the Peddinghaus





Rebound feels pretty much the same with both also, I was curious to see the difference.


So tell us Sam....You're an accomplished blacksmith with a small shop but but you do some pretty heavy striking on occasion. The reason I'm asking is I spose many here wouldn't consider an anvil less thad 250 on up even though they don't do heavy work. Are you financially challenged like yours truely, just a cheapskate like yours truely or do you feel a 110 is fine for some moderatly heavy work?.....Yours truely....mb..... :D


Thanks everyone! I am thrilled with it!!! Cannot wait to get a stand made up and get banging away!!! I am proud to be the beginning of this anvil's story Dan.

So tell us Sam....You're an accomplished blacksmith with a small shop but but you do some pretty heavy striking on occasion. The reason I'm asking is I spose many here wouldn't consider an anvil less thad 250 on up even though they don't do heavy work. Are you financially challenged like yours truely, just a cheapskate like yours truely or do you feel a 110 is fine for some moderatly heavy work?.....Yours truely....mb..... :D

I am all that Bruce hehe :D I feel that this anvil would be no problem at all with some moderate to very occasional heavy striking, of course a small striker's anvil theory has been proven by Brian Brazeal with his portable rig, while I might not go gangbusters with a 12 pounder on it for fear of missing I have no doubt that with good accuracy it could handle it no problem.

Hollis, I am curious as well, I will try to source a rockwell tester and see if I can get both tested.....

Sam I would love to see the postman's face every time has a drop at your house..LOL
Cangrats buddy hope you enjoy it for a long time to come. I am going to have to find your new local and stop by to give it a go!!!
I'll bring the refreshments...hehe


Last time I got a "USPS Flat Rate Box" all I got was the delivery slip and I had to come into town to pick it up. When they saw the slip they had *me* come behind the counter and down the hall to a room where the remnants of a box was overwhelmed by a *lot* of filament tape---so much that they told me the box was overweight! However I told them it weighed in at 2 pounds *under* at the post office it started from...68 pounds of the 70 pounds allowable.

Chalk a big smile on that anvil!

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