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I Forge Iron

How to forge a sickle?

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Hello, I am going to do a sickle for cutting olive trees. But I cannot figure out a good way of forging them. When I think about the process I need to bend the sickle in the other direction that would come naturally when forging it thinner on one side.

I have seen this explanation of how to do it, but I cannot understand it fully.



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Just like you can straighten a knifeblade after it curves doing the bevel you can also curve a blade as well. However it's a lot easier to make a rather tight curve the way you want it and then open it up by hammering in the bevel. using a hammer with a rounded face helps as you can concentrate the blows just along the edge to do so.

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Interesting video.

I must grab some mild steel to practice on first I think. I am going to copy a already made sickle, so I know what the end product is going to look like.

Anyone that has made one that can shed some light on the process?


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Check my thread "The Scythe" for more info: http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/22597-the-scythe/ The best info I have is that the European scythe mfrs. use something similar to 1080 or 1090 steel. Harder than you'd think. BTW these same mfrs make all the American style scythes and use the same steel for them but forge it thicker. I have successfully used steel that is closer to 1030 or 1035 though and it works well. Prebending is definitely easier than trying to make the curves after thinning the bevel. I usually adjust the bend a little as I work it though. Try to get close with your prebend as that will save effort. I see little difference in a sickle or scythe myself and even think the names are interchangeable depending on who you talk to. There are various shapes and sizes of scythes too. Slight curve, strong curve... same same just a little more here or there. If you really want a challenge forge a Karambit or two... these are much tighter curves on smaller blades... BUT the same techniques!

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