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Hi, I am new to this forum and have a question concerning an anvil. Can anyone tell me how I go about attaching pictures to a post, so I can get some advice, thanks Richard.


Create yourself a "photobucket" account. (www.photobucket.com)
After you create your account, use the "upload" button to upload your photos from your computer to photo bucket.
Then copy the "IMG" code on your photo and past that code into your forum post, wherever you want the picture to show up. When you post your thread, your picture will appear.


Photobucket makes it easy, that is the best way I have found. Easy to group photos in an album for specific topics.
By the way what do you want to know about your anvil?


Welcome aboard Richard, glad to have you.

Just below and to the right of the "Reply to this topic" window (that I'm currently typing in), next to the "POST" button there is a "More Reply Options" button. Click on it and there is a "Browse" button, click on it and select a picture file from your computer files. Click "Add File" and it'll be included in your post.

Please don't yell at me if I got those a little off, I'm working from memory and I have dents in my head. (literally) It isn't hard to figure out once you get to the reply options page.

Frosty The Lucky.


Thanks for your prompt responses, I have attached a picture of an anvil I am interested in. I am new to blacksmithing and like any beginner am looking to buy an anvil. The picture attached is of a 150lb anvil the seller is asking $250 (CAN) obo. Unfortunately I live a long way from them and the only picture they have is this one. They do not have a maker, and I was wondering if any of you could offer suggestions as to what it might be? Whether it is worth the price asked? I can have a close friend (he is not a blacksmith) check it out for me as he lives near them and then get it later when on summer holidays. Suggestions? Thanks for the help posting pictures, and any advice given, Richard.



It looks like a Vulcan. I personally wouldn't pay $250 for a Vulcan as they tended to be lower in quality than most other makes (the steel faceplates on Vulcans are quite thin and prone to chipping).


The very low step between the face and the horn and the blocky shape (thick heel squat horn) made me guess Vulcan too. While they are on the low end of the "real anvil" quality; they do have the virtue of not ringing and so as a quiet anvil they are nice for areas where you don't want to annoy the neighbors.

I'm not up on anvil prices IN YOUR AREA; but Vulcans should be on the lower end of the range for "real anvils".

Can you talk the price down any? Do you have the cash? Do you *need* an anvil ASAP?


I guess I'll join the parade and offer up Vulcan as the maker also just by the general shape of the thing. I have seen Vulcans go for $250US out here in AZ and wonder why anyone would pay that much for one but anvils are kind of scarce out here so you take what you can find I guess. I think for that amount of money you could afford a chunk of high quality steel for a block anvil and be better off than a Vulcan but the last time I suggested that I had a fusillade of comments about how wonderful Vulcan anvils were. To each his or her own I guess when it comes to anvils.


Well I have bought several Vulcan's over the years---and generally sold them on to new folks, often the same day I bought them. I actually own *one*; but it's strictly a display of how low quality they can be and sits on my "wall of shame" dedicated to abused "anvil pieces"


As I have said before, I am looking, so your input is valuable. I would like an anvil in the 150lb range, but for the same money in the same city I can get a Peter Wright 100 pounder/kholswa 100 pounder. I am in no real rush, and can spend more. I don't have a fixed budget in mind and may consider saving for a new one. These anvils are a very long way from home, but are more reasonable than those sold around me, I am not far from Vancouver BC. I am open to advice on the other two, as soon as I can I will post their pictures. Thanks again for your help, Richard.

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