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I Forge Iron

Commercial mistake

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So today i was watching an army commercial and they said something but then i heard ''it was forged in the crucible of training'' it brought back all the memories of the questions that all of us blacksmiths hate ''Oh, you're a blacksmith, do you shoe horses?'' , ''Do you make horseshoes?'' Sometimes it just makes me a little frustrated. And i know all of you know exactly what i mean.

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yes its just verbally very slack - youd have thought that the army as an institution, should be a first rate user of language and metaphor as an example to all their little recruits...! :) (will this make a good soldier - i dont know actually...) your right though macbruce - nobody (but blacksmiths and those interested in accurate use of language ) will notice... :(

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I was with my wife in a Dr's waiting room talking about an upcoming blacksmithing show which prompted a woman to show us a picture of her horse. "Yes," I told her, "I shoo horses every time they come too close."

Mac & cheese commercial, nuf said.

Saw a few minutes of a newer Conan movie this morning and they were "forging" a sword. Yeah right.

Therefore it is up to us, if we chose to do so, to set the record straight to the uneducated/uninformed masses. Or not.

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That mac and chese commercial is just stupid. at the start he was hitting the horseshoe in mid air.

now looking at it again he was holding it within 2 inches of yellow hot steel. at least they got the right hammer.

and his ''forge'' had no place to heat the iron. and then it said ''weld the skillet, forge the family dinner'' yea right my family would sure want food cooked on a ''forge''

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Well no one here was trying to make it seem like people are stupid. I really just wish people would think again and consider to not make our proffessions seem like a walk in a park. Blacksmithing is fun but it isnt easy and you know that. See you said it is just sily fun, you are right and that makes other people think that the whole day we spend in our shops, we are only working for 10 minutes to work on a 10 foot tall ornamental iron gate and the rest of the time we are playing. And you know just as well as i do that isnt true.

Not tryin to be mean but sometimes that is how commercials make us like

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When you put it that way I see what your saying. But, in my humble opinion, I don't belive this makes us look anything to anyone. Just being honest in my feelings. The people who know, know its wrong, the people who don't, don't and won't think about it any further than its a commercial. Just my thoughts on it and I wasn't trying to step on any toes. Just voicing my opinion, and if I did that a little too vociferiously I appologize.

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Well no one here was trying to make it seem like people are stupid. I really just wish people would think again and consider to not make our proffessions seem like a walk in a park. Blacksmithing is fun but it isnt easy and you know that. See you said it is just sily fun, you are right and that makes other people think that the whole day we spend in our shops, we are only working for 10 minutes to work on a 10 foot tall ornamental iron gate and the rest of the time we are playing. And you know just as well as i do that isnt true.

Don't you know that to the rest of the world if you are a blacksmith and spend 10 minutes in a shop or any other amount of time there you ARE making horseshoes. I mean that is what the liquid gold guy does it his shop :o :P
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....Sometimes it just makes me a little frustrated. And i know all of you know exactly what i mean.

Same happens when I walk around with a camera, tripod and some flashes - no they don't ask if I make horseshoes :P but you get similarly silly questions. I'm sure any hobby/profession has it's 'public image' which gives rise to senseless questions and comments that can be annoying to the hobbyist and the professional alike.
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This post reminds me of the tourists we used to get that would come and look at us working on the most recent boat we had hauled out on the marine railway at the shipyard I worked at.

They`d ask questions like. "How long is that boat going to be here?" If I felt like responding they`d get answers like "110 feet"(the total length of the hull) or, "right up until the day we`re done fixing it".
Some days you just don`t have the strength to worry about both the ignorance and the boat so you just concentrate on fixing what produces a paycheck and let the rest walk on by.

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I haven't had TV in my home for many years and seeing commercials reminds me why. That and "reality TV" which has to be the ultimate oxymoron which many people think is reality. Macbruce makes a good point though so perhaps all is not lost. I joined the Army not because of ads but because I met and got to know Veterans. I became faithful not because of a commercial but because I met people who had faith. I want to learn to forge iron not because of this site but because I enjoy working with steel and have met through this site some good people who have encouraged me.

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Although the semantics and images seen on I'd say 100% of the ads are off. They all show blacksmiths stand for strength, hard work, honesty, integrity and so on....Not such a bad rap.... B)

Let's not be too picky here. We should forge ahead when we see these things and not be too hung up on our definition of a word. My websters has one definition that says..."To form or bring into being by an expenditure of effort". The use of the word forged was illustrative I think and more matching the above definition. Now the cheese commercial was just idiotic. Actually, too idiotic to really merit any of our time typing about it... oops to late

One comment I heard above about reality TV. I actually find these shows embarassing. They depict us Americans as petty, childish, shallow losers. just to name a few... This we package up and project to the world as reality. I am sure some countries think this is all there is to America. It is embarassing but it also makes me angry that we would project ourselves so prolifically in this fashion.
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All this discussion about commercials would make the copy writers very VERY happy. When was the last time you watched a commercial that didn't make the person buying the product look like an idiot? Oh okay, I almost never watch a commercial though some are charming, like the mother and kids riding through the carwash pretending to be in a storm with dangerous octopus around. So, there are some I enjoy watching.

The guy writing the Army commercial is just that an ad writer and like other talking heads, say the news casters said person doesn't need to know anything but how to work spell check and have a pleasant prose.

What really bums me is commercials are the most creative thing on the tube anymore. <sigh>

Frosty The Lucky.

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One comment I heard above about reality TV. I actually find these shows embarassing. They depict us Americans as petty, childish, shallow losers. just to name a few... This we package up and project to the world as reality. I am sure some countries think this is all there is to America. It is embarassing but it also makes me angry that we would project ourselves so prolifically in this fashion.

So true
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My daughter drove a Junior Dragster for four years. Last year a TV production company hired by popular TV channel wanted to do a TV reality show depicting kids with more "wholesome, down to earth" values. They wanted to get away form the jersy shore type of programming. IMO theyt hit a goldmine. Dragracers I know are much like all of the blacksmiths I know. Honest, trustworty, sportsmanlike, willing to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. These kids are great and nothing like the teenagers youd see wandering the mall. After a week of shooting footage, conducting interviews, etc, my daughter told me they wanted to create a "rivalry" between the kids. I knew it would be down hill from there. In the end they left and the production never took off. The demo tape said it all. The opening line started out with a girl saying Hertford North Carolina is the most boring place on earth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Goes to show that wholesome and honesty was not what they wanted or at least thats not what would sell.

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