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Hi all,
I've inherited a Anvil but cant I.D it. There's a brand/logo visible but google isn't churning any info up for me. Would be great if someone could help out. Please no chuckles about my stand, made it purely to move about the garage.







Inherited....... That anvil looks like its only a day old if that. Beautiful condition. It is certainly modern, being cast metal, probably steel. I would be surprised if it was more than 50 years old at best. The hardy hole that comes out the side of the anvil is often seen in France and the shape looks like a French anvil. But other places may also use a pattern vary similar. Sorry I cant give any more information.


She came from my pop, been stood in the shed for 10 years. No idea where he picked her up. I'm not sure myself what she's weighing in at. Clearly says 250k N3 so I'll take it she's 250 kilos. She's a beast and left 3 "strong" chaps broken men. Had to resort to an engine hoist in the end. So I've cleaned her up with the intention of flogging her, no idea what she's worth?


Have you talked with the British Artist Blacksmith Association folks?

US prices wouldn't do you much good I'd think.

A bit large for me to pick up on my trip to Wales next month though...


Beauty! I'd love to inherit something like that!!

As for price, you should be able to ask top dollar because it's in such great condition. I can't make out the logo, but it looks to me like the N3 is the model number.


Very nice. you should be proud your pop left you a nice piece you can hand down to your kids or grand kids some day.


Thanks for the replies gents, I'm really in two minds as to what to do with her. It would be a great thing to hand down through the generations but it's just too much of a mutha to store. Dealing with items that belonged to loved ones is tricky enough without having to involve hydraulic lifting equipement. Needs more thought and investigation i think.
Cheers all

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