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I Forge Iron

Bussiness Name  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Business Name Options

    • Spotted Dog Fabrication & Forge
    • Raven's Wing Fabrication & Forge
    • Raven's Claw Fabrication & Forge

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After a 15-year career in conservation work I went back to school last year and will be graduating this May with a degree in welding (SMAW, GTAW, GMAW/FCAW) and small business. I've got a good start on a reasonable business plan (my final project for business class) and am trying to decide on a name for said business. XXXXX I even have an empty shop that happens to be a 100yr old barn.

The options listed are personal in nature, I have always had a thing for ravens and have a raven sleeve tattoo on my left arm. The next is my dog, Pecos, he goes everywhere with me and is, of course, a spotted dog.

Thanks for your thoughts and consideration.

-Gary Mc


Hi Scary Gary!

I think it depends on how you want to portray yourself to your customers, and what kind of customers you have or the market you are aiming for. In this trade most people pride themselves in the work they do, and their craftsmanship that is a guarantee of quality. Why not trade under your own name? (Although I'm not suggesting trading under Scary Mc!! :) ) This may not work if you plan on hiring lots of staff. I know it sounds a bit boring, but to most people, boring is dependable. In the UK lots of smiths just trade under their own names, maybe it's a bit different in the states.

However, I do like the sound of Spotted Dog...


I agree with Colleen, eventhough I didn't do that myself as I didn't know any better when I came up with my business name. It does depend on how you expect people to find you and in doing what kind of work. Therefore your name and artist, or blacksmith, or metalworker or whatever you want to be known as. Plus if you don't use your own name you need to file a ficticious name with your state which can run around $80 or so depending on where you are. Something to think about.


I go with "Raven Wing Forge." Or "Raven Wing Forge and Fab."

But then again, I own "The Tilted Anvil," so I may not be the best judge of names.

Spotted Dog seems too close to spotted cow, which is a type of beer in WI.


I went for spotted dog.
For the simple reason that it sounds more 'friendly'. I know that probably sounds rediculous, but the others sound a bit serious.

Trying to think up a name for my litle workshop at the moment as well.


I like Raven but I would shorten it. Always think of how these things look on the net.

Raven Metal Works
Pecos Metal Works

Better yet drop the "metal works" out of the main name and use it just as a tag line.

Metal Works

Metal Works

Then you can use your tat or your dog as the company logo also as you grow and adjust your business model, you can adjust your tag line.


Choosing a business name that's both catchy and serious can be a challenge. Down the highway from us there's an equipment rental and sales business calling itself "FUBAR Sales and Rental." I present this as a really bad name, who wants to rent or buy a piece of equipment that's fubar? (for those who don't know, FUBAR stands for description removed. WARNING A google search for FUBAR will take you off site and away from the site guidelines.

I DBA as The FrostWorks. My friends like to say I should've included a ? at the end. Yeah, my friends are funny guys but I try not to tease them about it. I also used to have "Stuff done with metal" on my business cards and it was catchier than I thought it would be. I'm not about to try passing out cards listing everything I know how to do to metal.

There can be a regional aspect as well. For my name Frost has regional connection as well as the personal. Raven would be good medicine with the natives but some might resent it if you aren't at least part native. Spotted Dog would be region neutral here as spotted dogs are imports, few if any huskies are spotted and that's where the regional recognition lays. Wolf on the other hand would work well here but is probably taken by a metal shop already. There are lots of other businesses named Wolf, this or that.

Anyway, it's good to have something that will stick in people's memory and take seriously without being pretentious. Taking it seriously is important, you don't want to be a joke or seem too taken with yourself. I can't think of any specific suggestions but will be more than happy to check out what you come up with.

Frosty The Lucky.


well if you do go with Ravens Wing Forge a nice simple touch mark could be something along the line of this
sorry for the grainy photo and the less than stellar drawing but i kind of liked the idea



Set up the business from the beginning so it can be sold. The business name should be short, descriptive, and with a catch so it can be remembered. Try getting a customer to write out "Scary Gary's Blacksmithing, Welding, Fabrication, and Repair Shop" on a check, or you write out "Scary Gary's Blacksmithing, Welding, Fabrication, and Repair Shop" on your checks to pay bills. You will change and shorten the name. DO NOT use your name as part of the business name as it will lower the selling price, not because it is your name, but because it is not the name of the new owner.

Fabrication and forge leads one to believe you fab first and forge second. Forge and Fabrication leads one to believe you want to forge more than you fabricate.

Look into how the business is set up in order to separate you from the business. LLC, INC, etc for instance. Build relationships with accountants, lawyers, and others that will take care of the business side of the business. That is what they are trained to do, and do best, same as you are trained as a welder, or blacksmith.

It is only a business and if you get injured or sick, the business stops. If you take a afternoon off the business stops. If you take a vacation the business stops. Hire out what takes time away from your making money. Answering 20 phone calls a day is a good thing, but they just cost you more than you would have paid a secretary or receptionist. Have the coal, steel, etc delivered. No matter what it costs, it is less than your hourly rate of pay, and you will also be taking time from your job which can throw a job behind schedule. Maybe not today but each hour adds up.

It is very difficult to think in business mode all the time, and will stress you out if you do. You need to set a schedule and keep to the schedule, leaving work and being washed up and present for dinner "on time". You must be able to close the door, walk away, and not look back when you need to be with your family.

Just some things to consider.


glenn is very knoledgable on this, he helped me with my business when i started setting it up, west plains iron and steel works. its short sweet and to the point. but its a nice name to help bring people in. i would personally go for the spotted dog forge out of the three, the spotting dog forge has a broader range of potential clientell. when your making somthing like this, your main point of selling is generally older people (60+ sorry if your that age range). those are the people who have the money from retire ment and (once again none of this at all is ment to be offensive twards anyone) and they feel they dont have to work harder for these items. the raven is somthing that is commonly associated with death (ever read the poem "the raven" by poe?) and the older crowd is less likely to go to a shop or buy from a place called such. also, not meaning to be harsh or anything, always when you meet potential clientell, cover your tatoos if possible, i have no idea why, but people have less of a wanting to buy from you after theyve seen a tatoo (unfortunatly this also means tattoos meaning from the armed forces. sorry gents) there are many many different things that can come by just by the way you carry yourself. if you smoke/chew dont do it infront of potential customers, it wards them away because they think their buy is just getting you another bag of chew or pack of smokes. they want to meet someone who is the epitome of politically correct-ness. just following these simple rules can help you. ive landed a contract with a local reality company because i kept the smokes in the truck that day we talked, the owner has told me that she finds smoking to be a nasty habit and if she met me with a smoke hangin out the mouth then i prolly wouldnt of gotten the contract. she now knows i do, but she understands and says dont do it when shes around. its all about how you present yourself. and if your business starts, dont ever turn down the small jobs, they might lead to bigger ones (i brazed the realitors mailbox back together too :P ) and, if you have a local flea market, make up some small stuff, and take it, you never know what theyll ask you to make next. i dont know if your business will have much welding to it, but if it does, pm me and ill give you a couple blue prints for some easy sellers.


My only addition to the topic is that you might be able to hook some of the younger crowd by using "Raven's Claw" thanks to "Ravenclaw" being one of the houses in Harry Potter- up to you if that's a good thing or bad, though! :)

Posted (edited)

I can't say thank you enough times to y'all for all of the great ideas and advice I have gotten via this thread. I've been forging over the last few days and have a made few small pieces that I've had floating around my head for the last few months. It's so nice to see them to fruition.

We have a weekly farmers/craft market on Main St., a few blocks from my shop/house and I'm going to bust my rear to get a decent sized and varied collection together for that. We'll see how it goes...

I need more basic tools (punches, chisels, tongs, ect) but am making do with what I've got for now.

Thanks again,


Edited by Scary Mc

My only addition to the topic is that you might be able to hook some of the younger crowd by using "Raven's Claw" thanks to "Ravenclaw" being one of the houses in Harry Potter- up to you if that's a good thing or bad, though! :)

The Harry Potter reference killed Raven's Claw for me. ; )

The Harry Potter reference killed Raven's Claw for me. ; )

Ouch! You're cutting off a huge potential market! I understand your statement, but think of all the 12 year olds to whom you could sell "magic" horseshoe nail rings, and you can "Accio Infernum" to start your forge...

The possibilities are endless!

*runs away*

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