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There is a 130# Fisher listed on Craigslist http://asheville.craigslist.org/tls/2806013336.html

It's close enough to pick up and being a city anvil, seems ideal in regard to not freaking the neighbors out. He's asking $325 which seems a tad high at $2.50/#. I offered $260 and think it's a reasonable offer. If he won't come down, should I let it pass?

It was listed before for a while, and now is listed separately from the rest of his previous lot which included a 110# Vulcan and a 180# mystery anvil.

I know it's all subjective, but any advice would help.



I'd look into that 180 mystery befor the 130.

2.50 lb isn't too bad for me up in WI, but we are a tad anvil poor up here. No reason to pay for the Fischer name if the seller thinks that makes it more valueable. Name doesn't mean much, unless it is a Badger....


If you want it and have the money.... buy it. The difference in price will be forgotten in a short time. You don't ALWAYS have to get a deal.


Well his answer to my offer was that he's not ready to let it go for $260, and that with the name and rarity factored in, he thinks it will sell at $325. Which suggests to me he's waiting for a collector. A shame really, since it would be nice to see it in use. If things were perfect on my end then I might think more about the $325, but as things are I still have a lot on my plate getting the house in order before I get back to forging with any serious intent. The downside to buying a house is all the little things that take precedence.

So, I'll just keep working with what I have and keep an eye out.

What Rarity? Fishers are a common anvil and 1892 is not "old!"
I know! Hence me thinking my offer was fair, seeing as the face is in great condition with only a slight sway. I irritates me to see it sitting there with a rusted face when I know my wife has been itching to get forging again and we'd have it shiny in no time. (after the bookcases that is, I promised her)

Why the duct tape hiding the table? Is it cracked?
All three he has are duct taped the same way, same spot. I doubt they are all 3 flawed in exactly the same spot. I think it's more an easy way to label them.

We'll see. If he's still got them 30 days from now I'll email him again and repeat my offer.

When I come accross things like this I first ask myself is do i need it now? If the answer is yes, then I make a deal. it is not always worth the time to hunt down another one. If the answer is no, I make an offer and let them know that if it doesn't sell to call me (check back every few weeks). That usually works but you do miss an occasional tool. I have made offers once a week for a few months before some of these hard headed Florida fleamarket kings cracked.

I hope that helps.


I'd rather pay $2.50/# for a Fisher than a Vulcan that was $0.50/# but that's just me. Vulcans turn to crap fast and a Fisher will last almost forever. If and when I get around to selling my Fisher I'm going to ask $3.00/#, it big(300#) and it's nice and there aren't a lot of anvils our here in Arizona.


Did you make that offer over the phone or did you put the cash in front of his face. I would never listen to anyone that tries to negociate price without seeing item in person. Maybe all you need to do is show up? Lot of flakes on craigslist that seem to want to talk and not act.


Depending on the intended use 130 pounds sounds a bit light to me. That is about as much as I would want to lug around for demonstrations. However if it is to be used exclusively in your shop I think I would look for a heavier one. Just something else to consider.

Well his answer to my offer was that he's not ready to let it go for $260, and that with the name and rarity factored in, he thinks it will sell at $325. Which suggests to me he's waiting for a collector. A shame really, since it would be nice to see it in use. If things were perfect on my end then I might think more about the $325, but as things are I still have a lot on my plate getting the house in order before I get back to forging with any serious intent. The downside to buying a house is all the little things that take precedence. So, I'll just keep working with what I have and keep an eye out.
Not a collector. He is a antique dealer. most of his stuff comes from his dad's shop in penn. Was selling at the local flea market.I just don't remember seeing the Fisher.

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