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I Forge Iron

KL anvil. It rings, it's nice 'n hard, but who is the maker?

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Hello everyone, I managed to get my hands on this nice anvil. It's perfect for demos, weighing 145 pounds.

I know it's cast steel, even though it almost looks like it's cast iron. But since it rings louder than a bell, there is no doubt it's steel.
I assume the "face plate" is from casting it and was left on there because there was no need for removing it.
The hardness amazes me! It bounces a hammer like crazy and I bet you can dent a hammer quicker than the anvil itself.

But the real question remains and that is:Who made it at what time?
And who could tell me about KL, it seems like high quality, or this was just a lucky one that came out perfect.

Here's some pics, sadly the flash on the camera gives a sort of ugly look to it, but here it is.


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