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I Forge Iron

what do you think? (craigslist)

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The post vise may be a Colombian.......... the other I believe mav be a "saw set" for setting the teeth on a hand saw. Just my best guess.


The other thing is not a saw set. It is a saw vise. It holds the handsaw so that you can sharpen it and set the teeth. Got one just like that I still use.


Thanks guys for the input im gona check them out.

This would be my first leg vise I never even seen one in person.

I guess I will base my buy on the jaw condition and if it has any repairs.

Any other comments on buying a leg vise?


Jaws are relatively easy to repair, screws are not easy to repair. Put more decision weight on the screw and screw box (nut). Misalignment is "normal" on these things, and can be corrected by straightening. A bent leg or jaw can be straightened. Expect to do some cleaning and degreasing.

These were made by blacksmiths, and can be repaired by blacksmiths.



Looks like the screwbox is a replacement to me, the legs and the C say Columbian which is not the "bestest" brand but very functional---tends toward heavy over pretty.

However that seems like a lot of money for a postvise unless it's a 6-8" jaw one. Especially with a repaired screw/screwbox. (I own about 4 columbian postvises and the screw boxes do not look like that and they don't have the screw hanging out the end---might still be very usable but you'd want to fasten a tin can or something over the end to keep crud out of the screw----hmm notice no cover for the screw between the jaws too---definitely a replacement and so should *lower* the price!)


Agreed, looks like the C is in a the sunken triangle in the mounting bracket definatly says Columbian to me, but the screw and nut must have been replaced, Ive picked up several vices in the 4" 40lb range for $25 to $30 in this area, guess if it worked smooth enough Ive give about that for it, but price seems to be highly affected by whats available in your location,

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