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Can anyone give me some advice, just bought 236lb hay budden, great anvil but the ringing is making me nuts,do i need earplugs all the time. Is thier a way to cut down on the noise, any help would be appreciated thanks Sean.


If you post anvil questions in the anvil section, you get a better response. Search the anvil section for similar questions that have been answered before. There are several threads on the subject.

Bed the anvil in a couple inches of sand.


Bend a short (6-8") section of rod into a "U" shape to fit into the pritchel hole and touching the side of the anvil. Do it hot and hammer it to fit, and it will kill 90% of the ring. Leave the shank long to make it easy to tap up if you need to use the pritchel. You will find that you seldom use that small section for anything, and the profile is low enough not to catch your work.


I call an item stuck in the pritchel to quiet the ring "a mute" and teach that term to my students.

An anvil that large will probably not be getting moved a lot and so fastening it securely to it's base using one or more of the ring quieting methods will help a lot!


I have a 125 lb Hay Budden, I placed some rubber between the anvil and the stump then bolted it down with angle iron and lag bolts. That quieted the ring to just a thud, it is actually quiet for a Hay Budden.

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