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I Forge Iron

The Hammer you use the most

Kelvin Shaw

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These are my hammers...I also have a fiberglass handled 3# double faced sledge.

I posted these on a thread where the guy was asking which hammer to use.

I used hammers at a friends to help me decide which ones liked... I also bought them because I greatly admire the two bladesmiths who made them. I can't justify buying one of their knives, but having a hammer they made was the next best thing! Of course, soon I'll make my own hammers, and won't but them either....


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  • 4 weeks later...

I recently bought one of Brent Bailey's hammers. When I got it I thought it was probably too much weight for me but it was too pretty to pass up -- I'm used to a smaller hammer... luckily some of Brent's magic was contained in the hammer -- I can swing it no problem and it is now my favorite hammer!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Whatever hammer is in my hand is the one I tend to use most.
I have a pretty good array of hammers that I`ve made/modified as I find that the ones I already have don`t quite fit the bill. On any given day I can be doing anything from stone work to carpentry to copper work to forging and I can`t think of any one hammer that I`ve ever come across that will do it all.
My personal approach is to pick up the nearest hammer that looks like it may work and try it. If it doesn`t work as well as I`d like then I at least have an idea of what may serve me better. If the rack doesn`t hold something closer then I make something that does.
The one thing that I`ve found to be really helpful is to leave my handles on the newly made hammers oversize. As I use the new hammer I can then cut and shave them down till they`re exactly the fit and length I require.
Yes,the rack does hold multiples of the same hammer head but if you look closely you`ll see that the handles are different.

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