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I Forge Iron

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This is a link to some pics I took the other day. https://picasaweb.google.com/LDWynn/ForgedItemsMadeByUsingElementsOfForgingIHaveLearnedFromBrianBrazeal6192011#
I have had some time at the MS Craftsmens Guild and made some items in the last few days. I plan on taking them to a new market that has opened up on Thursdays. All of these items are done very efficiently. Most involve using the two sided taper to divide the metal up. I will add pictures to this album as I make new items. Everything on here involves elements of forging that Brian shares with anyone that is willing to learn. Its all fun, but this is mostly small stuff that does not take long.


Great work and as always great picutes
See you in a few weeks in IL
Brian got anything new he is demonstrating


Beautiful work , Lyle!! And yes, it is so so true how he teaches some of the most efficient techs!
Good Luck on Thursday.....!



That is some really nice looking work Lyle! Thanks for posting those nice pictures of it! If I had only seen the pictures I would have thought that it was Brian's work. You've achieved an extremely high level of craftsmanship. I am sure that Brian is proud to see how well you've mastered your lessons.


Thanks everyone, there are pictures of how to make all this stuff on the web albums I have on Picasa. Alec learned to make rings before he came here just by looking at pictures. Francis Trez Cole thanks for the cable, I have never had any that big before. I arc welded the ends of a piece I put together, and added a handle. It is probably about 2 inches in diameter and I plan to weld it up, make it square, then V it out on the sides to do an accordian fold with it.I have done this before, and found it is the only way to bring a pattern out more for cable. You get to see the end of the cable on the sides of the blade. Last time it resulted in what appeared to be flowers on the side of the blade. I am going to use some v-blocks Brian had me make to go in the treadle hammer to get it started. I'll post picks. Ya'll post some more fun stuff on here.


Thanks everyone, there are pictures of how to make all this stuff on the web albums I have on Picasa.

Really nice, Lyle. I looked through your Picasa albums... is there a step-by-step somewhere that shows how you make the flower head on the aluminum flower bangle? I tried to copy it back when it came out on the cover of Anvil's Ring, but never got one looking that good...

I just browsed through some of the albums and this is what I found first. https://picasaweb.google.com/LDWynn/101109LettingJimCatchUP#5391541834993178434 Starting around pic number 135 it shows Brian doing the 2 sided taper making a copper bangle with a leaf. Then at pic 150 it shows how to make the flower. It is on a ring but it is done the same way for a bangle just larger punches. After it is made we heat them up and hammer into wood face down with a ball fuller or ball peen hammer to add life. I do not like the alluminum, it is very easy to melt. I lost one bangle to the fire. I played with alluminum when I took the class with Dave Koenig. Hope this helps, if not just let me know.


Heres a few more items. I really like the horse head ring. I am going to make more to try and get better at making them. https://picasaweb.google.com/LDWynn/ForgedItems6192011

Had fun at the Livingston market, I sold a small cross, a knife made from a file, a couple key finders, a "custom bottle opener", made about 100 dollars. It was worth going to, and enjoyed seeing all the people.


Lyle, that is some enviable stuff - both the end products and the time spent learning. I was just looking through the second link for pictures (you catching up) and found that if you have a fast enough connection you can tap through each picture and almost make it a movie; kinda like when I used to draw little balls or stick people on the corners of my school text books and flip through the pages. thanks again.


I added some more pics to the same album, but here is a link to a picture of a smaller steel and silver horse head rings. A lady wanted one so I had to scale them down further. I like making these, but the steel ones are a challenge. https://picasaweb.google.com/LDWynn/ForgedItemsMadeByUsingElementsOfForgingIHaveLearnedFromBrianBrazeal6192011#5622671768062919266



Very nice!

Here is a picture of some of Daniels forgings. You will note that he is purposely trying to make them a little different than the ones you and Brian showed him. Daniel and I are also forging tools together on the weekends. I'll post another picture in the general section as Alex had asked to see some of the tools we make.

Thanx again for all you do.


Chris Riffe


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