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I Forge Iron

Is it a suitable equipment?


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It is cause I have the chance to get it cheap from a man cannot work anymore with that stuff. Because I do not have something like a T-rex burner for propane. Whatever, I guess it woul be expensive to maintain for long term. I can have access to many fuel sources, and I want to build my own gas forge cause there is not dealers for such in México. I want to get kaowool, burners and termocouples.

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Get the OA set if you have a good opportunity. It's great for a lot of things. You can weld, cut, and do hot work. It's handy for tweaking and working on ironwork that no longer easily fits in a forge like peening or adjusting bends in a final assembly. It's great for very concentrated heats, like upsetting. However, you'll spend a lot of money on fuel if you run it as an all-purpose forge. For occasional use, you could set it up with some fire bricks like some people do with weed burners, but long term you'll want something cheaper and safer like propane.

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