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I Forge Iron

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Some guys still like to solder with them... I much prefer a torch for big work and an electric iron for tiny stuff. The tip is usually copper... hold lots of heat and silvers well. You can usually get them cheaper at flea markets and antique stores than on Ebay.


I've seen a lot of them forged into wizard heads by blacksmiths; but most blacksmiths don't use them. Tin knockers do and some roofers. I have a friend who does copper roofs that still uses that type of iron for soldering.


It is copper stock to make a wizzard head from
Actually have seen them made into all kinds of heads
Of course the bigger ones made better stock


These old soldering irons are also useful for flintknappers as they can be converted into spalling boppers.

Is that anywhere near the dohicky and thingamabob?:)

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