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I am very new at blacksmithing.I mean really new i have a make shaft anvil and my hammers.I kinda know what to do but havn't started it up still not too nice out here in ohio.I was just wondering if anyone has a list of hardie tools i can try and make or maybe a site i can goto to see some examples of them so i can figure it out myself.If so the info be sooo helpful to me ty.gess sorry put this in the wrong place


Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI. Find an ABANA group near you. This one is in Mid Ohio themob.iwarp.com and here is another SofaSounds.com check their site and attend the next meeting. They can help you with you first tool and from there you can end up with a shop full of hardie tools! Until then, kick back, get something to eat and drink and read the info found here...there's TONS of it. Once again, welcome.


I am very new at blacksmithing.I mean really new i have a make shaft anvil and my hammers.I kinda know what to do but havn't started it up still not too nice out here in ohio.I was just wondering if anyone has a list of hardie tools i can try and make or maybe a site i can goto to see some examples of them so i can figure it out myself.If so the info be sooo helpful to me ty.gess sorry put this in the wrong place

Welcome to the site, this may help you,
also search the site,

Good luck with your new venture

I am very new at blacksmithing.I mean really new i have a make shaft anvil and my hammers.I kinda know what to do but havn't started it up still not too nice out here in ohio.I was just wondering if anyone has a list of hardie tools i can try and make or maybe a site i can goto to see some examples of them so i can figure it out myself.If so the info be sooo helpful to me ty.gess sorry put this in the wrong place

Welcome to IFI,

If you are interested in buying one or more hardies you can check out these sites http://www.piehtoolco.com/index.html, http://www.blacksmithsupply.com/home.aspx?Merchant=blacksmith_supply, https://www.blacksmithsdepot.com/page.php?theLocation=/Resources/Site_Pages&PHPSESSID=93bd103575837049fc22be4cd9870302 as well as others. You can also buy from ebay in "blacksmith -> collectibles" but don't spend more on a piece than you can buy it new. Also you can get yourself a copy of "Plain and Ornimental Forging" by Schwarzkopf and/or a copy of "The Complete Modern Blacksmith" by Weygers. Both of these books will help you along the way, as will so many others. Personally, I think every begining blacksmith should should read Waygers.

Keep posting your questions, someone will give you their thoughts.

Don't forget the NOB and the Western Reserve blacksmith's---Ohio is rife with smithing groups!

If'n you were to tell us what part of OH you're in we might be able to mention some helpful folks local to you---as well as sources for stuff, etc...

My suggestion is to make tool as you need them; but of course you will need a hardy. (scrolling forks are often useful too). What you need depends on what you plan to do---no need to make a fine little bick if you will never be forging socketed arrowheads; but you might want a guillotine fuller for making knives...(to set off the tang/blade junction)


well ty and ya i been reading anything i can get a hold of thank goodness for the internet and all the knowledge it offers.


Its a movement! never have i seen so much interest in smithing before! Welcome to IFI! we just love to teach what we know, and for me its been a long lonely road of self taught mistakes. that this site will spare you the trouble.


Joo. You do not mention having a hardy hole in your makeshift anvil. Since hardy holes vary so much from anvil to anvil, I suggest that you concentrate on the basics, hammer control, and hand tools. Wait until you have an anvil to make your hardy tools. Just my opinion.


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