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I Forge Iron

How do you put out the fire?


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Not the best way at all, the cold water can shock and crack your fire pot.

The better way is to rake the coals out onto the forge pan and once separated, they should go out on their own.

I suggest you shovel the fire and coals and coke into a 5 gallon bucket of water. Any ash will settle out to the bottom of the bucket. The coal and coke can be recovered and let dry to start new fires or as quick fuel for an existing fire. Knowing everything that used to be hot is now covered with 2 inches of water means there is NO FIRE to worry about, and you can sleep well at night.

Also dump the ashes out of the twyere. Many folks forget that there could be hot embers in the ashes.

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Hi Paul. Welcome to IFI. Don't pour water on the fire if your fire pot is made of cast. All that you have to do is spread the coal/coke and it should go out in less than 5 minutes. Water on hot cast will make the cast crack to pieces. Hope that this helps. :) Also, if you add your location to your profile you may be suprised to find another smith close by that is willing to help you with some pointers. :D

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I just let it go sometimes, without air not much happens anyways. You get a nice big klinker that way.

When I am feeling more conservative, I will pull out the coals to just above the clinker out. Then I get out the "water mop" (I learned this tool from Brian B.). It is a towel cut into strips and attached to a metal bar. I can mop down the coals and put them out quickly without danger to my fire pot.

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It depends how long you are going to remain in the shop area after pulling your fire apart and how long it will be before you use the forge again.

If you are going to remain in the area until the coals can cool by themselves then simple move the coals out of and away from the firepot.
If you are going to use the forge the next day, after raking the coals away from the pot, sprinkle the coals with water till cool, without touching the pot with water.
If you are not going to use the forge for days then you can shovel the coals into a bucket and water the coals in the bucket. Clean out the forge. By cleaning out the forge that will not be used for a while, you are removing any corrosive stuff that might speed the deterioration of the forge bottom. Drain the water when cool and spread out on a surface for the coals to dry.

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There's probably something wrong with the way I do this, but in my charcoal burning brake drum forge, I'll often let it burn down as I'm getting to the end of a working session, using the last couple handfuls of charcoal to slightly tweak my shapes and heat up work for the application of wax and shellac, or to even out the overall heated look of the iron.

Left to its own devices, charcoal pretty much all burns up unless I wet it all down or shovel the still hot coals into a bucket of water, so I just let it do what it wants to do and have a mostly clean forge to come back to.

I have drenched the whole fire to put it out if I need to stop and leave, and the cast iron brake drum hasn't cracked...yet.



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thanks for all the great information. what we had been doing was raking the coals out on the table and sprinkling with water - it worked, but really makes a mess. last night we just raked them out and waited until they went out - about 10 minutes. we liked this much better.


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