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Weding rings

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My wife is pregnant and I'm sure many of you have gone through that. Well she wants me to wear my ring, something about she doesn't want to look unwed. I guess she thinks it may be trashy, I don't know, and I'm totaly cool with that. I did tell her that I shouldn't wear it at work for the dangers and just ruining the ring, well the later happened. I forgot to take it off one morning and had to do some welding and now you could all prolly know what happened, I have weld splater on my ring. So now I have little pin heads of steel starting to rust on it she's P.O.ed.
Has anyone else had this problem.
Should I try to file down the steel.
What do you guys who wear rings do to keep em safe.

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Wear ring on a short lightweight chain under your shirt (and make sure it stays under your shirt, a loose necklace is worse!)

wear gloves (not suited to all operations)

make a "ring tree" for your nightstand or dresser and leave the ring at home.

Look up the thread "The danger of wearing a ring?"


Some of the images are rather graphic.


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My wife is pregnant and I'm sure many of you have gone through that. Well she wants me to wear my ring, something about she doesn't want to look unwed. I guess she thinks it may be trashy, I don't know, and I'm totaly cool with that. I did tell her that I shouldn't wear it at work for the dangers and just ruining the ring, well the later happened. I forgot to take it off one morning and had to do some welding and now you could all prolly know what happened, I have weld splater on my ring. So now I have little pin heads of steel starting to rust on it she's P.O.ed.
Has anyone else had this problem.
Should I try to file down the steel.
What do you guys who wear rings do to keep em safe.

Take them off and put them in a safe (in all ways) place,

If I had to keep a wedding ring around as a millstone or for whatever other reason of protection it is supposed to give, on a chain, around neck, inside shirt.
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I wear mine around my neck on an old dog tag chain. I take it off before I start forge work because, even though its on my tong-hand, with the force needed to work most items it ends up swelling up the finger and cutting into the flesh at times. Anyway, very uncomfortable and unsafe. Watch comes off too it it happens to be on. Fortunately wife understands and would rather I keep as many fingers as I can.

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I know two people that can not ware a ring to work, a welder and a police officer. Both have a ring tattooed on their finger. They ware the real ring when they can, but the tattoo is there when the real ring is not. Just remember, you can't just take the tattoo off. Always found it ironic that a police man can not ware a wedding ring on patrol but a tattoo is okay.

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The type of chain used for a dog is made to break easy so that is most likely the best or a very light weight gold one. Much better on a chain than crushed on your finger. Much harder to replace a finger than a ring. An older friend of mine that was a welder had a pin that he made on his hat that said "Married & LOVING IT!". This was because he wouldn't wear a ring on the job but wore it at home. There's more than one way to get the message across that you're married and happy about it.

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I couldn't take my wedding ring off if I had to. My fingers have gotten thicker over the years. I haven't had a problem (yet).
How about wrapping some sort of tape around it to protect it from splatter? It won't help the crushing issue though. This is
something I need to think about.


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I just wear mine. From the safety aspect, I don't see a lot of an issue with normal blacksmithing operations. If I were doing factory, construction, or farm work, I wouldn't wear it. To many chances for it to get caught on something and rip a finger off. But most of my forging is light weight smaller stuff so I'm comfortable (good or bad?) with the risk.

From a ring damage aspect, I think a beat up ring says more for the dedication to the marriage than and pretty one. Kinda like a scar, they say a lot about a person. I have a simple gold band. It gets welding spatter in it all the time. I usually just use my pocket knife to scrap out the big peices and leave the small ones unless they rub my fingers wrong.


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I find my pocket is a good place for my ring if I'm concerned about danger. The only way I know of to get rid of the spatter is send it to a jeweler for cleaning and refinishing. It'll cost a bit but still be lots cheaper than buying a new one or having a POed wife.

Frosty the Lucky

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