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I Forge Iron

some advice about rr spike knives

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I've searched the threads and can't find an answer to my question. I've started to make knives from rr spikes, but i can't figure out how to put the nice mirror or even satiny finish on the twisted handle that i have seen in pictures and on youtube. i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to accomplish this. I was thinking about possibly putting them into a rock tumbler and see how that works. any advice would be hugely appreciated. thanks.

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Hole in the ground and a couple of animals skinned out in a tube? (I assume that severely old fashioned would be before the romans?) I mainly do Y1K stuff with a couple centruries slop to either side when I go old fashioned, smelting iron from ore in a short stack bloomery

Anyway if you do not have power tools there is a limit to what you can do without massive ammounts of time.

Clean the twists with round files then take dowels wrapped with SiC paper and start cleaning up what the files left. When you get to around 400 grit you can then buff with a sisal buff and black coumpound and get a shiny surface.

Start by soaking in vinegar to remove the scale as that eats files and abrasives. (and rinse afterwards of course)

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I would suggest that you soak it in vinager and then use a wirebrush wheel on your angle grinder. The finish that you from a wirebrush is very interesting and I believe it might actually look better than a mirror polish would on a rail road spike.

Sure you could use a round file and then sand paper, but I think that you might be better off working on good steel. I am not sure that a rock tumber would work, see the way a rock tumber works is it takes off all of the high spots from the stones. I would think that you would only get a polish on the very ousides of the knife and you would also lose your nice sharp twists. Plus it takes several weeks for a rock tumber to work on a stone.

Good luck on what ever you decide, and don't forget to show us your results.

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A tumbler will give a nice matt finish, this can be brought up to a higher 'shiny' finish with a wire wheel on an angle grinder, (wear protective gear !)

For a polished finish you could use buffing mops with different grades of compound, in your electric drill or polish by hand.

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I'll definatly try the wire brush. when i say old fashion i don't mean it in the way it sounds. i just worded it poorly. i have almost no money to put toward my bladesmithing so i have to improvise. instead of the hole in the ground and the animal skin i use an old charcoal BBQ grill and the exhaust from an old stand up vacume cleaner. i'm working on making tongs but for now i use a pair of channel locks. so yeah, old fashioned is the wrong word. my brothers son calls it a "ghetto" set up. thanks for all the advice and please keep it coming. i learn from trying and from listening to the people on this site.

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  • 4 weeks later...

viniger is great for removing scale...couple of days and the mill scale goes away too .... makes a gooey mess but you just rinse it off....it will rust like in a couple of minutes after you get it out of the vinegar...so go right to work on it....cup wire wheel is the best after that...rr spikes are good for practice and to make other stuff outta....kinda novel

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vinegar works great, speed depends on the temperature and as mentioned you then rinse it off under running water, dry and oil! (Skip the oiling if you will go directly to sanding,filing, grinding, etc.

I have a 5 gallon bucket I use for de-rusting or de-scaling. When it stops working I use it to discourage the weeds around the shop and buy more cheap vinegar.

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