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Howdy Folks,

While brainstorming about projects to work on, some nice book ends sprang to mind. I could use them in at the office, and it would be nice to have something I made there. Has anyone done any book ends before? Does anyone have any suggestions for ways to make some nice book ends? Any pictures?



Those look great. I was wondering about getting enough weight to keep the books in place without welding. The ribbon would obviously take care of it :)

I figured some big pieces of angle iron could also work well...


I've seen some neat stuff were someone taken a large piece of Ibeam and forged a small flower or something off of one corner looked pretty neat...nature morphing off of an industrial piece of steel. Hardest part would be holding the material.


You can make bookends that are very useable by having a thin piece of metal go *under* the books. Let their own weight support and stabilize the bookends. After that, anyting else is easy to do for decorative value.


Chris, Those remind me of that ribbon candy that ya find around Christmas time! I bet the bok ends don't taste as good tho :) LOL


I have a friend whose bookends are made from chunks of 3 & 4" plate with *very* *nasty* holes bored through them using shaped charges---he used to be a blaster for a research org...

Bookends are just indications that you don't have enough books on your shelf!



THANKS primtechsmith! Man I was thinking I needed to make a pair of these bookends but your explanation for them excludes me! Saving me some time and material! I guess I can spend that time making something else now. Whew! I have purchased about 8-10 new blacksmithing books in the past couple of years and haven't read all of them yet! So, does that mean when I do finish them I will need bookends then?! Wondering minds need to know.

Bookends are just indications that you don't have enough books on your shelf!

I plan on using mine for technical books at my office. I just started a new job so I don't have a big collection of books yet. The book ends should make good conversation pieces.

I was also thinking about forging some sort of business card holder...

Plus maybe some hooks to go over my cube walls to hang a jacket on...

Just wanted to jump in from the shadows and say thanks for the ideas you've given. I've been thinking of doing some bookends recently for my new office but hadn't given it much more thought than that. It sure would be a nice way to close down my shop before I pack it all up for a big move!

See, you never know who you're helping by asking a question. :)


I did a dragon headed cube hook for my coat---the dragon peers out into the "hall" and the coat goes on his curved tail inside my cube---back in those days; now it's a paper weight in my office.

I must admit I have not read the ASM handbooks cover to cover or Machinerys handbook. But being a reader and smithing for 25+ years I do have a bunch on the shelves I have read, Richardson's Practical Blacksmithing; De Re Metallica, Cut and Thrust Weapons, the first 20 or so Knives annuals, SteelMaking Before Bessemer---both volumes, etc I hope to read a substantial ammount of "The Knight and the Blast Furnace" on the upcomming trip to Quad-State if I can save enough to get it before we leave.


I did a dragon headed cube hook for my coat---the dragon peers out into the "hall" and the coat goes on his curved tail inside my cube---back in those days; now it's a paper weight in my office.

Thomas, that sounds great! I haven't tried doing any dragon heads yet, I'll have to give it a go!

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