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I Forge Iron

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Here are somemore nails we made this Saturday. They were all made in 2 heats. Ed and Mike drew the shanks out on a 100# Little Giant In the first heat before they came, then we headed them here in the second heat. The picture shows Mike Lewis, me, Mark Leonard, and my brother, Ed. Towards the end, we started competing to see who could head the smaller ones in the least amount of hits. Mike kicked our tails with 25 hits.



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Nails? They look like decorative tacks to me. ;) At least I hope they're decorative, I'd sure hate to have to hold a couple in my mouth while I nailed the board up.

Oh and you didn't introduce the dog. I'd say he isn't used to folk sitting in his yard like that.

Beautifully done of course, what do you have in mind for them?


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Here's the header. The one welded on is the last one we used. It is a 3/4" hole punched in a piece of 4140, then there is the 1" hole sitting on the side. The block that the 3/4" hole is welded to has a 1 1/2" hole that was cut with a water jet.

Those nails are the small ones. They were made from 1 1/2", 2", and 2 1/4" material. Last week we did some out of 3" stock. They ended up with almost
6" heads.

We did not do these for the fun of it. It was quite a workout.

They were made for an artist in Fresno. He is going to use them for his artwork.

The dog is one of the three guard dogs from the metal recyclers next door that come by after they get off work and on the weekends. They don't like to be alone, I think.



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Way to go! I just knew you could make big nails without 'nailing' your head! Beautiful work...as usual...

Thanks, Thomas! We were woking on the corner of an Acorn table for those first nails and having to swing in two different directions. Not the best approach, that's why we made the stand for our headers.

Here's some pics of the nails made from the 3" stock.




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Wallop Palooza! Is right!

That is a very instructive shot of team striking, you can see right where everyone is in the rotation.

The first pic shows how much allowance you leave for the head too.

It seems like every pic you post has something to teach.



Edited by Frosty
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