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I Forge Iron

The abject failure

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Well I learned how not to do another project. I took and old rusty bolt and nut combo, hammered the nut flat into the the bolt, in non welding heat, it looked somewhat organic, I had planned to file the rough edges down to make it look like a bush or tree, then started rounding the head prior to drawing out the neck for a plant hanger, turns out the metal was xxxx, and it started falling to pieces, there goes 20 minutes I'll never get back, but at least I worked up a good sweat!

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It'd be Hot short.

Forging at red is generally considered too cold unless the steel calls for it. If it crumbles at red heat it could arguably be called cold short though red short would be more accurate.


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For goodness sake Mike read your own signature. I would say you have just done exactly that and probably a lesson learned that will not be forgot for quite a while.
Remember any fool can make a mistake but it takes a true idiot to repeat it.
BTW I really like the idea that you started out with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The reason the nut end came off, in my opinion, is when you forged the threaded end down the threads acted just like a crack or cold shut. As you thinned the metal the minor diameter of the thread met in the middle. This is a great lesson shared with others. It is IMPOSSIBLE to forge a crack or cold shut or lap out. It must be cut, filed or ground out as soon as you know you have a problem. It is also possible to be fixed by welding the crack, but you must be sure to get to the bottom of the crack. If you get to it before It starts to close you can fuller it out. I have had similar result with the head end. I wonder if it has somrthing do do with the way the bolt was headed, most likley cold upset. Maybe nakedanvil or Mark A. would have a better explanation.

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