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I've heard alot of blacksmiths say "rap a chain around the anvil to deaden the ring". I was just messing around one day and found that if you put something like a thick mouse pad from the computer under the anvil or put a layer of silicone on the anvil stand and put your anvil on that (when the silicone drys of course) it will give the anvil some grip to the stand and deaden the ring alot. I tried it and also followed up with a chain as well and all I hear is the "thwap" of my hammer hitting the hot steel. Just a little tip that I thought I should tell everyone about. Itworks for me.


When using an anvil in another shop, just drop a carrage bolt into the prichel hole. Doesn't kill the ring entirely but helps.



I got a bucket full of concrete hanging off the horn on my 500#dr...works ok.. I also have seen magnets on the side or under the heel...they also seem to work well cutting down on the ringing....




I heard that about about Fisher's..never hammered on one so I don't know first hand..my 504# Brooks rings like a Notre Dame bell....




What's a Blackjack anvil? That sounds like one I'd like to see! :) Also, where do y'all find all these anvils?! Jeez, I have a harbor freight Anvil Shaped Object (ASO) and am in need of something else. I guess I can wait for the Quad State which I WILL go to this year come Hell or high water!


Rick, Haybudden made a lot of anvils for a lot of different companies, and the anvils were stamped with whatever name the company wanted on them. Blackjack is one of those anvils. This info came from the late paw paw Wilson.

The Haybudden, and the Trenton came with the Blacksmith shop that was my fathers and uncles. The 115 pw was my grandfathers, the blackjack I bought when a smith shop was auctioned in another town, the 400lb no name came from a farmer customer. and the 87 lb pw was an exchange for a 58 lb acme I had, it had gone thru a fire and I rehardened the top. my son in law now has it.

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