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I Forge Iron

Dangerous forge experience today.


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Today I fired up the forge to begin reshaping a piece of golf course muncher blade. I was having trouble working the steel, my tongs wouldn't hold the piece very well, I wasn't comfortable with my work space as my anvil and forge are still set up on the ground, it just wasn't working out very well and I may consider wholesale changes in the setup and the piece of metal before I fire it up again. This piece of metal just didn't seem to want to be forged today.

Anyway, that's not the reason for the post.

While the forge was burning, I noticed a killer bee flying around near the forge. It seemed to want to get close to it. Usually they'll leave if you swat at them, so I swatted at this particular bee. I wacked it to the ground, but this bee was xxxx bent on getting near the forge. I swatted it again a few minutes later with my glove, and it vanished, I thought nothing of it.

Minutes later I had pulled the piece onto the anvil when I felt severe pain on my palm, I thought somehow a piece of metal had gotten inside the glove, when I took the glove off, there's the bee!!! When I swatted it the second time if went down inside the glove!!

I'm just glad I wasn't holding the piece, or the hammer for that matter, it could have been a dangerous situation. I guess this just goes to show that when anything is out of the ordinary, the best thing to do is step back, take your time and make sure that a problem cannot arrive.

Edited by steve sells
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Yeah, nothing has ever bothered me as far as allergies goes, and I've been severely burned before.

I gotta say, the initial pain of the bee sting was worse then when I had a leg engulfed in flames. The bee sting went away after a few minutes though. But yeah, I'll take both over a nail to the hand.

Frosty, I think bees may be attracted to something when forging. I noticed many today and usually they don't stick around as long as they were today. I live in the middle of orange grove country here in central Florida and personally have about half an acre of citrus very close to the house, you can't really keep the bees down, so you just half to live with them. I actually have killer bees which can be dangerous, I'ev had a guy combat them with a flame thrower 3 years ago when they were posing a threat to people. Apparently they're ready for round two.

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I've never noticed bees coming to the forge but most of what you see in my neighborhood are wild ones. Maybe you should buy stinkier coal?

Were it me though, I'd just get an electric fly swatter and fend off the kamikazes. SNAP . . . ZZZZZ and a little smoke. Dead bug, wicked cool.


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One thing about bees and wasps this time of year they are looking for places to nest. As most can attest here, they love to get into forge blowers, many old "stuck" blowers have been found to have wasp/mudauber nests in them, I have found it in two.
I see some wasps in my shop from time to time, but a swat with the hat works well. While working in a buddies shop on off road race trucks I found that sticky spray used for sticking abrasive pads to a sander will drop them like bricks. A quick shot and down they go. However :o sticky spray also makes a mess of things when it lands on stuff....yeah it was a while ago, and there was alcohol involved.

Glad you were not alergic.

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....yeah it was a while ago, and there was alcohol involved. Glad you were not alergic.

I thought there was a law about underage Bees and wasps consuming mass quantities... Nothing worse than drunken critters, haphazardly flying around while applying their stingers...
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I thought there was a law about underage Bees and wasps consuming mass quantities... Nothing worse than drunken critters, haphazardly flying around while applying their stingers...

The bees would never drink with us they were quite anti social. The "shop dog" bandit however spent a few days as hung over as us.:)
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I had a hive in the shop once and they wouldn't leave - never stung me but were a constant distraction. After consulting with a friend who kept honeybees for many years, I built a real smoky fire in the center of the shop using oily rags and let it smolder for several hours. I didn't hang around, just stayed in the house and monitored the fire once in a while. After the smoke built up inside, they started leaving in small groups and finally the whole hive left for cleaner air. They left a nasty mess of honey and combs near the south wall - I was able to salvage the wax but the ants got into the honey and ruined it. Soapy water will knock them down if you can see the hive but this one was hidden behind a large cabinet near the ground.

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Insects "breath" through their skin, so lacquer thinner, or starting fluid, or carb cleaner will drop them like a rock. However, don't have a fire going when you try this, and be sure all fumes are clear before doing it.

On second thought, don't ever do it, I don't want to be held responsible for a shop explosion. :o:rolleyes:

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Hi Ross,
Yes man some days things just don`t go easy huh! Anyway, I`ve seen people talk about killer bees as on that famous movie that came out right after the outbreak of killer bees scaping from a lab in Brazil in the 80`s. Actually the bees that scape from the lab where specimens native to Africa, where these insects are exposed to harsh enviromental conditions, and much pressure coming from predators including man, that love their honney. By the way, killer bees are surprisingly heavier producers than the european bee raised in hives for commercial honney production. That`s an important trait that the Brazilian lab was trying to breed into our tame honey bee. As the African bee traveled all its way from Brazil to North America, it bred with the European bee and other species over and over on it`s trip , and the further up it went the less dominant it`s wild and agressive trait became. So the end result was probably a whole array of hibrids where the so called "killer bee" trait was diluted. These bred bees though, should be more agressive, better producers, but less like to stay in beehives, and so are more prone to swarm and fly away free from man`s made hives. As I live relatively near the Brazilian border, there`s plenty wild bees, and sure they`re agressive if you mess with them. Interesting things to remember: Be careful if you are allergic! They don`t like chemical odors, colors like red,brown, black, and are most tolerant to yellow and white, most predators have dark brownish, redish or black tones right? If you squash one or if one stings you, the sting will detach and release an alarm hormone, that you can bet any other bee nearby will respond to attacking anything moving, thus generating a chain reaction that some may be unlikely to escape. Windy, cold weather get`s them agressive too. And here`s one remedie till you get to the Doc, for those who get stung by bees, wasps, and some other insects even scorpions: pee on your hand and rub it quick on stung part. The alkaloid in the poison seems to be neutralized by urine. No joke, it works.Well the first time I heard that sure had to laugh, but getting chased and stung on my head an back by at least 30 sweeties, reminded me it was a good oportunity to test the remedie. Remember, if you try pulling a bee sting with your fingers, you`ll simply be injecting the syringe looking sack attached, so scrape it off with a blade or something that won`t worsen matters. Sorry guys for bla, bla,bla, just thought I`d take a stand in favor of those amazing insects. nelson.

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Messerist work is slow and jobs like that don`t come easy you know, so I`ll take it! I hope you don`t mind my asking: are you a blacksmith or a comedian? No offense ok, just curious , a good sense of humor is great at times too. Can`t all be forge, forge`, forge right. Well, I think I`d better quit before I lose my new job. LOL.nelson.

Edited by nelson
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