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Everything posted by Sweany

  1. looks like for the nonce, issues are avalable. http://www.blacksmithsjournal.com/ddownload.html
  2. this isn't Hofi's but it does have a spring back. http://web.archive.org/web/20041014213636/keenjunk.com/sketchbk/rw21009.htm keep it simple
  3. What Conrad said, steel pipe is cheap, keep it simple.
  4. I think the weber setup sound inconveniant and overbuilt. here's a good shot of the tuyre setup. and another simple one at working height. http://www.beautifuliron.com/forge_brakedrum.htm keep it simple
  5. An injector makes sense to me. But truthfully I like propane, smells better and the hotdogs don't pick up that fuel smell . :lol:
  6. Hay rake tines are usually in the 1090,1095 range. here's a discussion on the heat treat. http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=379832
  7. Pre heat is the point of the gasoline burning first in the steam punk design. Blowing atomized oil into a redhot forge will effectively heat the oil, instant ignition. I dunno about being so skeptical of the safety of this thing. After all I see people with weedeaters on their shoulder all the time, and the gas is in a PLASTIC tank introduced into the motor via a really cheap plastic tube, oh yeah made in China by the way. it's just a case of good plumbing practise seems to me.
  8. just some ideas, the soft brick is easy to cut.. http://www.ozarkdreams.com/oven_chamber_top.htm
  9. You mght try cutting your flare in the brick. Lotsa process burners work like that. They use different burner blocks for diffrent flame patterns. I was able to achive welding heat using an 1-1/4 atmospheric burner. The fuel usage was out of site. I switched to a blown ribbon burner, which is much more economical. here's an easy blown forge that works. http://www.dfoggknives.com/tools.htm
  10. In my younger days I did a little playing around with some gasoline a garden pump sprayer and propane torch. It did work to burn down some weeds on the place.
  11. Heck I drive a gasoline burner to work ever day. Gasoline forge? check this out. http://steampunkworkshop.com/foundry-furnace-part-4-gasoline-burner
  12. mmmm, admitting to illegal activity on a public board?
  13. in the post Blown vs atmospheric forges. Grant Sarver said.
  14. try black laquer and laquer thinner, 1 to 1 ratio. parts must be free of rust I've found that holds up as good as anything.
  15. titanium makes great tongs, mullite (kiln shelf),rammable refrac and kitty litter make good forge floors, when the kitty litter get all gummy, rake it out and put some new in. But please let us know how the titanium works on the floor..
  16. I've done too much of that to think it was fun anymore. I used to run a 1000 amp machine with 1/2 carbon rods. it would though some sparks. They set me up one time about 8 ft from the office door, "The Boss" came out and told me to keep the noise down. So I put my torch down, poured a cup of coffe and sat down. He told me to get back to work! hehehe Ok. Bill I think I'll pass on the demo, but thamks for asking. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R_igOWwHlI
  17. Link removed at the request of Anvilfire.
  18. here's pic with the spring and mount. http://cgi.ebay.com/COLUMBIAN-Blacksmith-Post-Leg-Vise-Anvil-Forge-HD-/290473517487?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43a19221af
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