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I Forge Iron

Wesley Chambers

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Everything posted by Wesley Chambers

  1. Hahah I didn't notice, we spend about 20 hours a day together I guess that's all it takes!
  2. Size comparison.
  3. Learning how to Draw File.
  4. most of the forge work out of the way.
  5. This old spring was doing well gathering rust and dust. I interrupted that process.
  6. heheh well they didnt have any 6' rake/hoe handles but this is just for the movie prop, after they are done with it Ill use kiln dried ash, or if the buyer pays a little more Ill just order the Cold Steel brand ash wood boar spear shaft. You are correct my pup, Baron is 100% Rhodesian Ridgeback, but as most of the videos I have seen of people hog hunting with dogs, not all the dogs make it home, he will NOT be going with me ;)
  7. So I had to speedup production, I have a friend that will be using the spear in a film he is acting in,"Swordbearer" and will be shooting a few scenes this weekend. I will be forging a but cap and if I can get my boars head forged I'll find a way use it instead. Before oil quench: After quench/clean and attacking the dead tree~ I wanted to make sure my $8 pine dowel would stand up to the movie shoot and that the quench was not catastrophic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9JvdnjaNFU
  8. I would think that the amount of copper would be minuscule and be nothing more than a slag floating on the surface like a skin.
  9. heheh thats not my guy! lol that is actually a member of the team that created sketchup tossed into most designs for scale. I might check out his book, but this whole idea is just a maybe thing for me. My father has a few disposable 55gal drums every few months so I figured I should give it a shot. I going back to a coal forge at my new home and if I can use charcoal to keep the smoke down all the better! Now I just need the in-laws land to burn the wood on and Im good to go~
  10. I was thinking about ricejm01's design and thought that if I did the barrels on their side it would heat faster and more efficient. Not only do you get more surface area to heat but you can more easily load and unload the logs/charcoal and not have to dump the entire setup... sooo whats everyone think? Sorry I'm a bit obsessive with the 3d images but they are always much easier to understand than my sketches lol~
  11. Some members have experienced the random chat kick, I think its just part of the work in progress and was not someone actually kicking you out for anything in particular.
  12. The claw hammer makes me cringe, if you can spare $20.00 go to sears and buy a 32oz cross pein with a nice but somewhat stout wooden handle, the ball pein is nice too for the price, if no sears around lowes or homedepot will have them but I dont like fiberglass or steel handles. Also this link might be helpful for what your after: $50 Knife Shop
  13. Same for all, Practice, Practice, Practice~ I was once told at horseshoeing school that if I were to punch 1000 nail holes I would "Start" getting the hang of it!
  14. Thanks Frosty. Junker, its the free version of google sketchup
  15. Thinking Ill agree with those that said punch, I remembered this page from "The Complete Modern Blacksmith" Alex G. Weygers~
  16. congrats ya lucky dog, when I did the same I had to move a 9' long piece on my own into my little chevy blazer, once I got it moving my dash and stereo stopped it with much crunching and little falling pieces! have fun with your new anvil!
  17. if one were to use the double drum design and leaving the top tapped down but not locked in, would it be enough to serve as a fail safe? enough to keep air out but not so tight that it cant pop loose?
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