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Posts posted by C-1ToolSteel

  1. 19 hours ago, NoName said:

       Looks like 70#s of 100% ASO. Vulcans have a thin face plate, not that big bogus cast top. Expensive and ugly door stop. It would make a better anchor, you wouldn't have to look at it when it was water. 

       Sorry if that is harsh. Heck I'm ugly, and my wife still loves me. 

         N.N.F.                       Beautiful,  Manchester,  Michigan. USA 

    Actually lots of Vulcans and Fishers have the bogus casting line. Not saying it couldn't be an ASO. I've seen a Vulcan shaped anvil with no logo that did have a thin faceplate.

  2. I have seen some of those that look like a Vulcan, but have no trademark. My best guess is a different brand, but made essentially the same way. I would never spend that much on a cheap 70 pounder, but I also wouldn't consider that price outrageous considering the going rate these days.

  3. 28 minutes ago, littleblacksmith said:

     which one were you thinking was different? 


    What kind of question is that?!! :lol:

  4. Well, as far as additional info, you might find this interesting.

     There has been a lot of superstition about anvils and blacksmiths in the past. Much of this, I'm sure, is because anyone who could beat hot steel surely had some kind of extra power. The church window stile anvil, before they were cast, actually had the window part forged on separately, in most cases, then forge welded to the body. Why would somebody go to that much trouble just for something decorative? You guessed it. Pure superstition. Richard Postman's theory about the 5th foot is that it was a MUCH easier way to get sorta the same look. I would imaging that forge welding church windows to every anvil you make would get old after a while. This sounds like a pretty good guess, to me, because I can't think of anything they could be used for, and you never see any wear there. Anyway, just thought that might be interesting.

    Beautiful anvil, by the way.

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