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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Tubalcain2

  1. stink'in nice anvil. i'm as much of a die-hard soderfors guy as c-1 is a die-hard HB guy, but I'll admit that that is quite the find.
  2. long live the vikings! ...... ok, now that i've got that out of my system, what kind of scandinavian? that's a broad category.
  3. amazing job. if you are trying to make me feel like a total rookie, your doing it.
  4. yeah, i thought u knew i'm always right about anvils.
  5. Not a fisher.i've seen vulcans with face plates that thick.
  6. ha,ha,ha....... i'm on in a tong grove myself right now.
  7. the bigger the better. i have an 8 inch and its to small.
  8. yup. i can't claim it as my artwork but it certainly is true.
  9. oh well.(sigh). there goes my dreams of being an inventor....
  10. very true. especially about the newbies wanting to make swords.
  11. i was in the shop the other night and got a piece of 1/2'' round caught between my hammer and my anvil. this is what it looked like afterwards. my question is, has anyone seen a pair of tongs like this before or did i invent them? they work really well on flat stock. i'm hoping there original cause then i get to name them....
  12. this was my sis logged in under my user name. she doesn't have the poetic touch that i do. hmm. not to bad.
  13. TubalCain2 once had a sister Who disliked his blacksmithing blisters But on I-Forge-Iron There's less dangerous fire So..shoot he's coming, better shish her! Dassa
  14. welcome aboard. we are glad to have you on. if you have any questions, no matter how silly you think they are, don't hesitate to ask them. take a sunday afternoon and a plate of cookies and explore the site. you would be surprised at how many of your Q's have already been A'd so to speak.
  15. ok here it goes. i was out in my shop one night my forge i was trying to light i tried gasoline, and the next i was seen was by birds at a very high hight.
  16. bravo! i have to say das, 'just your imagination' might not be enough for poetry. maybee a rhyming dictionary.....
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